Twitter Calls Photo of Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos ‘Sensitive Content’, Warns Users Away by Kim Coulter October 15, 2019 A photo of Coulter and Yiannopoulos attending a private birthday dinner was marked sensitive, and a National File writer was ...
BIG TECH: Twitter BANS Avi Yemini for Criticizing Greta Thunberg by National File News September 24, 2019 Yemini was suspended after he labelled Thunberg an "extremist."
Twitter Suspends Second Amendment Foundation Before Gun Rights Policy Conference by Kim Coulter September 23, 2019 The Second Amendment Foundation was banned before its Gun Rights Policy Conference.
Titania McGrath, SJW Parody Account, Suspended by Twitter by National File News September 16, 2019 Titania McGrath, the SJW parody account, was suspended by Twitter for 7 days for pretending to insult the creator of ...
Following PewDiePie Controversy, ADL Gets Relentlessly Mocked In Twitter Replies by National File News September 16, 2019 The left-wing hate factory cannot catch a break after being exposed by PewDiePie's 100 million subs.
READ: Jack Dorsey Twitter Account Hacked By Racist Trolls by National File News August 30, 2019 The tech CEO had his account taken over by a hacker who posted seemingly random racist messages.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates