Last Updated on April 12, 2024
The CIA, the government of Paraguay, the Korean Deep State – led by long-time U.S. and Korean Government assets known as “The Moonies,” and several other international interests, both sovereign and private, are working to move high volumes of illicit narcotics out of a little known patch of rural dirt near the border of Paraguay, Brazil, and Bolivia. National File can reveal these bombshell claims after an extensive, exclusive tell-all interview with former Moon contractor and ex-Goldman Sachs trader and investment banker.
What follows is the result of a years-long collaborative Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) research project by National File our well-placed sources on the ground, which combines publicly available documents, news articles, and first-hand, primary source, on-ground, at-the-negotiating-table experience.
Our sources headed south after being fired from a job in New York City, where he put up his own shingle and got to work re-inventing himself by working to attract institutional capital to the agriculture industry. His success working in Latin American capital markets put him in the unique position to witness much of the information in this report first-hand.
After a plumb offer from Deutsche Bank’s Wall Street desk fizzled as a result of his very public support for Donald Trump, our source’s unlikely path to Paraguay ultimately ended up intersecting with former CIA agents, politicians, current Intelligence Community assets, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Prime Ministers, ambassadors, Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) managers, and ran the gamut from “made” mafiosos and kept women all the way down to common narco-trafficking street thugs and special forces hired guns.
One might even consider that motley crew in higher esteem than others our source personally encountered while in Paraguay, such as the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Latin American cloak-and-dagger representatives.
In the course of continuing his career in high finance and investment banking, our source would bump up against the inner workings of the international narco-trafficking trade, and come to know very well many of the players that swim in the swampy Paraguayan “Chaco” chasing the tens of billions of black market dollars.
Our source frequently visited Moon-owned narco territory in the Paraguayan Chaco on being invited to visit by Kiantar Betancourt, who at the time served as a Director of Atenil SA, the Uruguayan-registered land-holding entity for the Moonies in Paraguay, and who now currently serves as Chairman of Atenil SA.
Betancourt serves a dual role for the Moonies. In addition to working for the Moon holding company, Betancourt also serves as a Director for the Moonies’ Victoria Paraguay land management company.
Atenil SA has been identified as being a front organization for The Moonies for more than a decade, according to this List of Entities Closely Associated with Sun Myung Moon, originally created in June 1981 by the “Ex-Moon Organization.”
After multiple days’ long visits over time to the Moon-owned territory in the Paraguayan Chaco, our source became intimately familiar with what he describes as “Moon’s narco asset.” Outside of Paraguay, the “hands-on” our source is arguably more familiar with this peculiar asset than anyone.

Para-Where? Para-GUAY!
The global drug trade is expanding into new territory. Just as Afghanistan is no longer the exclusive purveyor of heroin, and crack can be found in the suburbs as well as Memphis, the cocaine industry has moved well beyond the familiar borders of countries like Colombia, Peru, or Venezuela, and the Miami Vice-like drug interdictions Americans are familiar with.
The global cocaine trade has moved to sleepier, less conspicuous territories like Bolivia and Paraguay.
While a cursory internet search of narco-trafficking news might appear to yield a surfeit of web hits, it would be more accurate to describe the mainstream press’ coverage of Paraguay’s cocaine renaissance as a tippy-toe test into the water rather than a full-on cannonball.
The coverage runs the gamut – from the (perhaps E.U. driven) Belgian narco surge with the influx of cocaine into Antwerp, to Brazil’s “First Capital Command” (PCC – for Primeiro Comando da Capital) full-on takeover and conversion of Paraguay into, as The Guardian and Paraguay’s local top lawyer calls it, a “narcostate.”
The BBC is even in on the action, covering the “if it bleeds it leads” murder-for-hire angle, while the Associated Press has dived in to cover the “Check Out This Massive Drug Bust” angle – seemingly having prevented every ounce of product from reaching the cities and hamlets now exchanging Euros for cocaine.
And while the Irish Times was the only publication that dared to delve into the murky nexus between the Moonies and the Narco State of Paraguay, even the intrepid reporter and Netflix narco documentary producer, Séamus Mirodan, failed to draw the connection between the Moonies and the U.S. Deep State.
Books have been written about U.S. Government involvement in the international drug trade. Indeed, the topic is so commonly accepted, even the U.S. DOJ itself has been forced to recognize the claims.
The CIA has long been interested in drug production in foreign nations on a very granular level, as this declassified Central Intelligence document shows.
While communist-leaning university professors are typically prone to pining away regretfully over the career at the State Department they never had, they reliably look the other way as the Department of State and USAID play ‘Beard’ to the CIA’s serial shenanigans. All of them except for Alfred W. McCoy, that is, who wrote a book not very subtly called The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade.

As this National File report will show, there is abundant evidence that the U.S. Government operates at the nexus of the global drug trade emanating from Paraguay, just as it has done in Afghanistan’s poppy-to-heroin trade.
Far beyond the commercial interest at play during the Iran-Contra Affair, when senior Reagan administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which had been placed under an arms embargo, when the U.S. Government hoped to use the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, a right-wing rebel group, the twenty-first century iteration of CIA drug dealing involves sophisticated financial instruments, Presidents of countries, ‘Ndrangheta, international NGOs, and no small amount of misdirection provided by “elite” media.
The Dossier
Our source’s first-hand, real-time updated 28-page, bespoke primary account, exclusively held in the custody of National File pending public release, was initially crafted at the substantiated request of reported CIA LatAm (Paraguay) veteran Mark F. Shakespeare, who works closely with supposedly “former” CIA intelligence lackey called Stacy Holscher.
Our source’s experience was captured as he worked as an official Moon contractor and “Senior Advisor” to Moon’s “Atenil” and “Victoria Paraguay” from 2019-2020.
The dossier shows sweeping evidence, including photographs, of what is clearly and “institutional-grade” illicit, and supranational narcotics trafficking operation on Moon’s c. 600,000-hectare “narco-forest” styled “farm,” known as “Campo Grande.”
The United States Deep State doesn’t like other countries dealing drugs.
Just last February, Joe Biden’s D.O.J. formally charged the former head of Bolivia’s Anti-Narcotics Agency with Cocaine Importation And Firearms Offenses.
As prior CIA drug trafficking operations have played out, one element which is unmistakable is that of the turf war. Just like a street hustler in South Side Chicago or Long Beach Compton or West Philly, the United States is a jealous pimp.
So too, as it turns out, is the secular geo-political nation-state calling itself “Israel.”
Spy games have been the stock in trade of Israel since its inception and before. It is no different in the Israeli-Paraguayan relationship in 2023.
Pegasus is military-grade surveillance software created by Tel Aviv-based NSO Group. Normally sold to foreign government agencies, Pegasus was given to Paraguay by Benjamin Netanyahu. Pegasus, which is a spyware developed by former Israeli intelligence operatives, has earned a reputation as the “world’s most powerful cyberweapon.”
Pegasus infiltrates smartphones without requiring the user to click a link to activate the malware. Once installed, Pegasus can collect all the device’s data undetected.
“[Pegasus] fell off the back of a (proverbial) truck from Netanyahu to Cartes,” alleged CIA Paraguay operative, Mark Shakespeare, told our source numerous times.
Former President Horacio Cartes was “gifted” Pegasus by the government of Israel, by his close confidant, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Inertia. It is THE most powerful force in politics. There are drugs being shipped, smuggled, trafficked, flown, driven, and Federal Expressed, and UPS’d everywhere on the planet, every second of every day. So when a drug bust happens, it happens because some government employee somewhere decided to make that particular bust on that particular drug route.
So it was when police in Paraguay found a reported 2.3 metric tons of cocaine worth as much as $500 million hidden in a charcoal shipment destined for the secular nation-state calling itself “Israel.” The BBC reported on the bust here.
But before that $500 million drug bust, there was The Bush Family.
As far back as 2006, The Guardian reported on a 10-day trip George W. Bush’s daughter Jenna took to Paraguay, and the 100,000-acre (circa 40,000 hectares) investment the Bush family was alleged to have made. While The Guardian never confirmed the 100,000-acre purchase in explicit terms, sources indicate the Bush acquisition was indeed ratified.
“A high profile Paraguayan linked to both the Paraguayan Senate and President Cartes’ personal lawyer confirmed to me multiple times, including as recently as July 2023, that his close personal friend, Pedro Zuccolillo (senior), purchased the asset up there in the middle of nowhere, smack bang in the narco badlands, directly from Bush.”
“The Bush-Zuccolillo asset itself is an alligator (“jacare”) infested swamp, in proverbial shi*hole territory. Ironically, near to my working backyard. Barely apt for cattle, let alone agriculture. Underwater (salinity, too) half the year and nowhere near the prized Guarani Aquifer (nor the Yrenda Aquifer for that matter), as the cover-up merchant hacks at The Guardian and other limp-wristed outlets try to breathlessly proclaim.”
“As I understand it, the latest ‘mask attempt’ of this useless asset’s true nature is that it is a fantastic “carbon credit producing asset.” But this “fairytale,” our source says, “does not compute, either, as the land is marked as forest reserve anyway, i.e. cannot be deforested. And again, much of it is untouchable swamp and forest “reserve,” and almost certainly ineligible for registered carbon credits.”
Further, our source also states that German-born, British-educated Alexander Dietl, formerly from Rothschild’s investment bank, and now with a possible front organization, ‘Walden Earth,’ also confirmed the same regarding Bush’s past ownership and subsequent sale to Zuccolillo. And how did Dietl know this? Because he is the “current owner.”
Our source notes the ownership of foreigners Bush and later Dietl is also odd as foreigners are typically prohibited from purchasing land that close to the border.
“I expect them to proverbially (or literally) shoot the messenger, thus I have taken a polygraph test on my strong claims. I have nothing to hide and cannot be ‘canceled.’ I would encourage my detractors or challengers, these often institutional-grade narcos, wannabe intelligence operatives, and others, to try. In fact, I might even enjoy the battle.”
Oddly, the 2020 BBC report on the mammoth $500,000,000 drug bust fails to name the individuals arrested and charged in the record-smashing incident, and the BBC never followed up, as far as National File’s research and the extensive paper trail of communications with the BBC shows.
All the BBC had to do was read local news reports in Paraguay after the arrest was made to complete a simple follow-up report, but none exists.
The casual observer may give BBC a pass, but to the astute media observer, the BBC’s refusal to cover glaringly obvious angles on a major drug bust smacks of the Mockingbird effect, whereby the Deep State closely curates news coverage in pursuit of its “national interests” (Read: PROFIT) or the Journo-List Scandal, in which journalists collaborate on a day-to-day basis to make sure preferred narratives are accentuated, and that other less desirable narratives are omitted.
Not to be outdone by the BBC, Spanish news publication “Ultima Hora” followed up with their own report on the massive drug bust headed for Israel, naming Miguel Ángel Servín as the perpetrator of the drug trafficking.
The capture of Miguel Ángel Servín occurred in October 2021 in the Villa Morra area of Asunción. He was subsequently charged with international drug trafficking and criminal association.
Servín earned the Spanish-spelled nickname “Celular” as a result of his humble beginnings as a cell phone salesman earlier in his career, before he leveled up to work as a $500 million drug-trafficking patsy for sovereign governments.
Ultima Hora reports:
Servin started as a humble cell phone salesman and after a few years, he became the head of an organization, which, according to authorities, is dedicated to large-scale drug trafficking…
His job was to coordinate the shipment of cocaine shipments via ships from Paraguayan ports to European or Middle Eastern countries, such as Israel.
Reuters, for its part, covers the ties between Paraguayan narco-trafficking and The Moonies quite extensively.
The series of SENAD drug raids continued after Servín’s arrest, though they regularly seem to get stymied with the lowest level criminals, and are seemingly unable to lever up the ladder to finger kingpins or masterminds supplying quantities of drugs that might haul $500 million.
It seems unlikely that the brass in Paraguay would be very intent on busting their own drug hustle. Did the brass in Paraguay want to set $500 million on fire? Unlikely.
Evidently, locals in Paraguay have been wondering if something else is up. Despite SENAD’s constant chest thumping over their regular “microtrafficker” drug busts, they don’t seem very inclined to comment. Indeed, they’ve even closed the comments on their social media pages. A recent former head of SENAD lightly engaged with National File for this report before shutting up shop and effectively disappearing.
“Most of the SENAD ‘busts’ displayed also look like very small time street hustle, equivalent to kids selling crack rock on the streets of Harlem, not the ‘real dealers,’ the giga-narco types that National File’s reporting describes,” the source told National File.
As with any enterprise, it always comes down to the bottom line.
Evidently, Paraguay’s recent past-President, easily Paraguay’s most powerful and arguably wealthiest man, Horacio Cartes, was doing a bit too much business with the drug merchants in Israel for the U.S. Government’s tastes, so Horacio had to be curtailed.
“The key element to note is that the $500 million shipment that was headed to Israel never made it there,” the source said.
Wikipedia reports that Paraguay only exports a relatively de minimus $145 million of mostly beef and soy to Israel. That is less than one-third of just one drug shipment headed to Israel from Paraguay in 2020.
“In the case of the Servin drug bust, it seems evident that the U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Israel are at war over Paraguay’s drug trade,” our source said.
Cartes has been known to align himself closely with Benjamin Netanyahu. Cartes, on behalf of Paraguay, was among the first to move Paraguay’s embassy to Jerusalem, a move that the U.S.-aligned Benitez administration promptly reversed.
Cartes’ protege, newly installed President, Santiago Peña, who recently tamped down a U.S.-fomented ouster, is back on track with Israel as of late.
Emanuele Ottolenghi from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies describes Cartes as the “power behind Pena’s throne.”
On September 26, 2023, the U.S. indicated that Pena must choose between them or Cartes.
Immediately thereafter, long-time Cartes henchman and Paraguay’s pro-Israel mouthpiece, founder of Paraguay’s freshly revamped Israel caucus, corruption-linked Senator Gustavo Leite, immediately announced his opposition to the U.S. stance.
In September, Peña announced that “Paraguay and Israel to elevate relations to ‘new heights’.” The two leaders then met in New York at the United Nations.
Multiple sources tell National File that Cartes’ personal security clique includes a Mossad security detail. And our source should know – National File has been made aware of extensive communications, including unsolicited risqué photographs, from Horacio Cartes’ progeny to our source during a multi-year counter-intelligence operation targeting Paraguay’s “Narco Oligarchs.”
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s assistant regional director for southern South America, told Reuters the “lawless” Chaco is now one of “the world’s most important staging grounds” for cocaine. (Reuters)
Unsurprisingly, the narco-traffickers are bringing their violence with them to Paraguay.
Just last year, a Paraguayan prosecutor traveling on his honeymoon was murdered on an island near Cartagena (Colombia) – a city far more accustomed to the murders perpetrated by cartel thugs.
This murder was a costly one – allegedly in the neighborhood of $500,000 with the since captured perpetrators in Colombia now pointing the finger squarely at Horacio Cartes in Paraguay.
In 2016, a four-hour ‘Military Battle’ killed a drug boss on Brazil’s border with Paraguay, as reporters Konig and Dyniewicz wrote for Folha de Sao Paolo.
Another headline from 2019 blares, “Farm that once belonged to the Moon sect is a source of executions.” The Finca was handed off to the Moons’ attorneys after Moon’s death in 2012, though the circumstances surrounding the disposition of the property are described as murky.
It goes without saying that the stakes surrounding the Moonies’ drug operation in Paraguay are high.
Indeed, the Brazilian newspaper Correio Do Estado describes the Moon’s holdings near their border as an “Empire.”
Meanwhile, back in Paraguay, alleged CIA asset Mark Francis Shakespeare told our source, “Whoever controls the Moon (remote, narco-linked scrub forest) asset can control Paraguay.”
Despite regular coverage of the controversies surrounding the Moonies and their business practices in the area, the mainstream press has never managed to put their finger precisely on the pulse driving this dangerous scenario.
“There’s lots of corruption here,” Acevedo told Reuters in a 2020 interview in his city hall office, just yards from where he was later shot dead. “The police are totally rotten.”
Mainstream Press Covers for CIA Drug Running
Intriguingly, as National File prepared to go to press with this Paraguayan-CIA expose, both CNN and Reuters suddenly began to cover Moon’s gargantuan Paraguay operation, albeit in a light-touch, Mockingbird-style fashion.
On becoming aware of National File’s forthcoming report, a Paraguay-focused, anglophile NGO, and a corporate intelligence firm, each jumped in.
Both “Insight Crime” and The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project each launched a “Narco Files” series.
Predictably, however, each failed to cover the Paraguayan narcotics trafficking and the Moonies’ ties to the Paraguay operation.
Indeed, Insight Crime entirely glosses over the violent narcotics trade in Paraguay, choosing instead to focus on “illegal cigarettes” and marijuana.
But never fear, Dear Reader! The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) is on the case!
The Poynter Institute, which lauds the work of the OCCRP tells us “it takes a network (of journalists) to fight a network (of criminals).
Surely the OCCRP would have covered Paraguay’s massive narcotics operation, right?
Despite what would appear to be a high number of reports about Paraguayan corruption and narcotics trade, most of the Paraguayan coverage at OCCRP about Paraguay amounts to the Paraguayan and Brazilian government patting themselves on the back for their stellar work fighting corruption.
In the end, the reality is that a cottage industry has developed that is entirely dedicated to “showing the work” in the fight against corruption.
Thus, one can be forgiven for never having heard that Paraguay was a hotspot for international narco-trafficking.
While The Guardian or The Economist or The BBC might print an online web report about vague drug-related dealings in a global backwater like Paraguay, the stories never seem to materialize into a sense-making painting one might call “Television News Worthy.”
Indeed, in the course of working to attract institutional investors to Paraguay, our source states he was often warned by Shakespeare not to direct too many institutional investors’ eyes toward Paraguay. For example, public and private pension funds, global asset managers, sovereign wealth funds; the kind of “good” and licit, scalable, long-term investment horizon foreign direct investment (‘FDI’) that Paraguay and its broadly impoverished people sorely need. No, the CIA wanted Paraguay all for themselves, with a “don’t look here” attitude to continue indefinitely as it has for, well, basically forever.
Nonetheless, Soros-tied Wikipedia refuses to label Paraguay as a “Narco State,” despite the fact that the country is a pillar of the CIA’s ‘Operation Gladio’ according to Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.
Virtually all of Paraguay’s South and Central American peers and neighbors are labeled as Narco States, including neighboring Bolivia and Brazil.
Paraguay is regarded by a plethora of credible public sources as a “managed narco state” and perhaps the world’s largest cocaine transit (non-producer) country after Mexico, per our source. Paraguay is also noted as a top-three illicit marijuana producer.
Perhaps it is unsurprising, but the Soros-Wikipedia ties run deep.
In 2019, the Wikimedia Foundation, which owns and controls Wikipedia, donated $13.7 million to the Tides Foundation, which bankrolls Soros Network nonprofits.
The source told National File that his read on that warning was that the U.S. Government wanted to keep Paraguay a backwater from which they could run off-book narco-trafficking and black operations (“black ops”).
U.S. “Anti-Communist” Operations As Cover for Narco Trafficking
Since the end of the Second World War, the United States has involved itself in expeditionary efforts to thwart the Domino Theory of Communism from Asia to Africa to Central and South America.
Traditionally, such efforts have pursued business interests abroad under the guise of opposition to the spread of communism.
The phrase “hindsight is 20/20” assumes that the actor – who had a limited view on reality at the time – was sincerely endeavoring to achieve ends that reasonable members of the peanut gallery might also reasonably agree was a worthwhile endeavor.
But what if the ends that were trying to be achieved weren’t the same reasonable ends that the rest of the members of the civic polity collectively agreed were desirable?
That is the scenario we now find ourselves in.
Far beyond Standard Oil and United Fruit, the former robber barons turned war profiteers and elected aristocracy are now, it appears, deeply involved in the creation and management of massive black market supply chains around the planet.
To do this, the new aristocracy requires help. More on the help later.
But before the help, the new worldwide oligarchic aristocracy requires a cover. That is where fighting communism comes in.
In his book Operation Gladio, Paul L. Williams describes just such a cover.
“Operation Condor is the code name given for intelligence collection on leftists, communists, and Marxists in the Southern Cone Area. It was established between cooperating intelligence services in South America in order to eliminate Marxist terrorist activities in member countries with Chile reportedly being the center of operations. Other participating members include: Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia.”
US Department of Defense Document, October 1, 1976
Cover achieved.
That leaves the hands and feet. On the ground, the American Deep State requires staff.

Our source, has provided detailed evidence to National File of a secret US-trained ‘paramilitary’ that operates under the purview of Mark Francis Shakespeare and his CIA colleague, Stacy Holscher. Our source worked one arms-length operation with Shakespeare, Holscher, and this Paraguayan paramilitary group.
National File has acquired and reviewed multiple photos of the paramilitary group which were taken in the Paraguayan EPP narcotics heartland.
Whether by design or because the entire worldwide mainstream press just can’t seem to get it together with all of their billions in funding and advertising revenues, the villain at the end of the Scooby-Doo episode always seems to get away with the caper.
Perhaps Paraguay is the perfect place to hide if one is an international drug trafficking Scooby-Doo villain.
By population, Paraguay is hardly the size of the state of Alabama, and by territory, the little-thought-of nation is merely 4% the landmass of the United States, and only just more than half the size of Ukraine.
Paraguay’s relationship with the U.S. is a long and interesting one. Stew Peters’ recent coverage of Paraguay noted that one of Paraguay’s main states is named after President Hayes.
Despite its small size, evergreen Paraguay ranks as one of the top five exporters of soy, and a top ten exporter of beef.
More tellingly, however, is a brief perusal of Deep State media outlets, which decry Paraguay as one of the more corrupt nations on the planet.
Rather than working to empower the nearly seven million Paraguayans, the Deep State seems more intent on bashing the reputations of the ruling elite. But toward what end?
As National File prepared this report for publication, multiple news outlets began killing web links featuring photos and evidence proving ties between The Heritage Foundation and The Moonies.
But the deep ties between the American CIA and the Moons’ Unification Church are undeniable. So obvious are the ties, even the New York Times was forced to cover the connection.
Moon’s Korean Cultural Freedom Foundation (KCFF) was a copy of Heritage. Frank (Francis) Shakespeare, Mark’s father, and an American diplomat and television executive, was an Honorary Trustee and Co-Founder of the Heritage Foundation.
Moon’s Radio of Free Asia was a copy of Radio Free Europe. Frank Shakespeare was President of Radio Free Europe.
Frank Shakespeare himself even advised the Reverand Moon.
Shakespeare and the source at Asuncion’s Silvio Pettirossi International Airport.Ultima Hora spiked this link (archived here). ABC Paraguay (no relation to ABC in the United States), which is owned by the Zuccolillo-Pappalardo clan in Paraguay, still has this link.
The Zuccolillo-Pappalardo oligarchs are alleged long-time, multi-generational U.S. government assets also happen to have an open and high-profile money laundering case against them in the U.S.
Cartes fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is, ‘Never get involved in a land war in Asia. But only slightly less well-known is this: ’Never go in against an American of Israeli descent when drug profits are on the line!’
If Cartes was guilty of corruption, the United States was at the root of that corruption.
The Cartes ties to narco-trafficking go way back. Cartes’ own Uncle was even jailed for it.
Cartes’ cousin was also busted for coke.
“Viveros Cartes has a long history of criminal links. He worked for the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as an informant during the 1980s and 1990s, giving information that led to several major drug busts. Later he apparently returned to direct involvement in criminal activity; in 2001, he was caught flying a plane transporting 250 kilos of cocaine to São Paulo, Brazil, and was sentenced to 17 years in a Brazilian jail. He was returned to Paraguay after six years to serve his sentence under house arrest, and again began piloting drug planes, reported ABC. A pilot nephew of his — a cousin of President Cartes — was also detained with cocaine in May 2011.”
Cartes’s ties to Brazilian drug dealing are well-known.
As ABC Color reported, “in March 2000, DINAR seized 343 kg of marijuana and 20 kg of cocaine from a plane that landed on Horacio Cartes’ “La Esperanza” ranch. In the early 1990s, Cartes also bought a farm belonging to Brazilian Milton Machado, who in turn was in the news for having a plane loaded with 120 kg of cocaine shot down at his establishment.”
President Cartes’ uncle “Viveros Cartes has a long history of criminal links. He worked for the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as an informant during the 1980s and 1990s, giving information that led to several major drug busts,” as Insight Crime reports.
El Pais newspaper even covered viral video of Cartes’ ‘narcopiloto’ and DEA source, ‘Papacho,’ who was intercepted by Uruguayan Airforce for running cocaine.
The former chief of Paraguay’s anti-narcotics squad, Hugo Ibarra, believed Paraguay’s top anti-laundering official – a man named Angel Gabriel Gonzalez Caceres, whose money laundering prowess ended up making it into Wikileaks, may have been aiding Cartes in money laundering activities.
Ibarra claimed that 80 percent of the money that was laundered through Paraguay at that time went through Cartes’ bank, Banco Amambay.
It is worth noting that Peña’s current ‘Justice Minister’ Angel Barchini, was investigated for two ‘giga’ coke busts totaling 4 tons. Peña’s administration is merely a cut-out, or continuation, of Cartes’s.
Peña’s new justice minister Ángel Barchini is in all practicality the cabinet member most responsible for keeping Cartes from prosecution. Barchini was ambassador to Qatar under Cartes and has faced legal problems of his own.
Paraguayan authorities seized nearly four tons of cocaine in 2004 at Asunción’s Silvio Petrossi airport. Authorities later accused Ahmed Hashem, a German citizen who had been staying in Paraguay, of arranging the massive shipment. Phone records from the case showed that Hashem had been in near-daily contact with Barchini and Barchini’s brother prior to the seizure.
Hashem fled Paraguay and disappeared, and the Barchini brothers were never prosecuted. The brothers denied any knowledge of the cocaine shipment and insisted that their only contact with Hashem was limited to conversations about legitimate investment opportunities in Paraguay.
In 2009, however, Ángel Barchini found himself embroiled in another cocaine case when his business partner, Arturo Luglietto, was arrested with 250 kilograms of cocaine in Italy. The two men organized concerts in Paraguay, and Barchini said he only learned of Luglietto’s underworld ties after his arrest.
Among locals, it is a ubiquitously held opinion that Cartes is considered the “Pablo Escobar who made it.”
It is an indisputable fact that the United States Government, by way of Washington D.C. headquartered “IDB Invest,” played at least a minor role in Grupo Cartes’ rise and business success.
While IDB Invest is owned by its (48) member countries, the United States is by far the largest shareholder.
Notably, IDB Invest is led by a Clinton-tied Israeli Ilan Goldfajn, a Haifa-born Central Banker.
The Bushes and the Soros family each love doing business with IDB Invest.
The Inter-American Development Bank Group invested at least $4 million into Grupo Cartes’ Bebidas del Paraguay S.A. in 2007, after the loan was approved in May of that year.
As it turned out, however, the United States, led primarily by CIA Director Burns, and assisted by State Department lackey Antony Blinken, wanted the proverbial street corner Cartes was using to sell all that dope to Israel.
So the Biden Administration decided to give him an offer he couldn’t refuse – after a bit of arm twisting, of course.
First, the Biden Administration levied sanctions against Cartes, calling him corrupt, and accused him of human rights abuses.
Using a little-known bureaucratic outpost in the Treasury Department called the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), the Biden regime put the kibosh on Cartes’ ability to conduct international finance with the United States.
The Regime then came in and suggested a complete buyout of the Cartes fortune, thus neutering the former president. In the end, Cartes parted with several major assets in his portfolio, though he was allowed to retain his tobacco interests.
Indeed, the U.S. Government has been working on taking over Cartes’s businesses for some time, as this New York Times article explains.
Banco Sudameris is a small-ish bank that previously hadn’t done too much apart from agricultural support. But all of a sudden, after OFAC got involved, Sudameris began taking over multi-billion dollar investment, and is now known to be tied to the Rockefeller’s Council of America’s and World Economic Forum proxies, as well as the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch government, evidently.
A news release announced the Sudameris transaction:
Banco Sudameris acquired the shares of Bebidas del Paraguay S.A., Distribuidora del Paraguay S.A. and Enex Paraguay S.A.E. that belonged to the Cartes Group.
As if that weren’t enough, the Biden regime, led by CIA Director Burns and State Dept. Secretary Blinken, engaged in a bit of election interference and tried to install a WEF and China-friendly puppet to run Paraguay.
Only by dint of good old-fashioned ballot-splitting was the Cartes regime able to retain a modicum of sovereignty within their own borders.
Prior to the U.S. Government getting involved with the Cartes regime’s drug trade, Sudameris Bank was a small regional bank involved mostly in Paraguayan agricultural loans.
But my, what a difference U.S. Government backing made for Sudameris. In just a short period of time, Sudameris exploded onto the world stage, and now it distributes Heineken exclusively in Paraguay. Overnight, Sudameris went from old-fashioned savings and loans to a private equity-styled “corporate raider.”
Not only did Sudameris – with only circa $140M net assets according to recent past Paraguayan Central Bank documents – find the cash to buy Heineken’s exclusive distribution rights in Paraguay, Bebidas del Paraguay, the number one beverage distributor in Paraguay, as well as a massive gas station chain, they also were able to buy Banco Regional, the 3rd biggest bank.
The clear message to elites in South America is this: Play Ball with the United States Government’s international drug trafficking objectives, and you can both stay out of jail, and become unbelievably wealthy.
Paraguayan Dirt: The ‘Street Corner’
In a development that absolutely went unnoticed by the world, despite all of the mainstream press coverage of the Moonies and the cartels and Paraguay’s drug turf, the Governor of the Alto Paraguay state just happens to be a Moonie.
Preston Moon celebrated the victory of the new governor of the state of Alto Paraguay by Marlene Ocampos.
In an official missive targeted at the Moon Nation, Preston, whose real name is Hyun Jin Moon, wrote “In another part of the country, Marlene Ocampos, a blessed family member, was just elected governor of the state of Alto Paraguay, which happens to be the most poor and neglected region of Paraguay. She won the governorship by an astounding margin of 24.7% against her closest competitor.”
The notion that the Moons are just there to work the fields for the growing of trees for the production of leather seems to fall by the wayside when one considers the obvious depth of involvement of principal Moon family members in seemingly low-level politics in backwater states in Paraguay.
“It isn’t just that Puerto Casado happens to be run by the Moonies. Marlene Ocampos is a Moonie. The Governor of Alto Paraguay, which contains the Puerto Casado narco-hub, IS a Moonie,” the source told National File.
That is confirmed.
This relatively undetected, Moon-held, narco corridor, is located in and around Puerto Casado township in Alto Paraguay. Alto Paraguay is zoned in Paraguay’s extremely remote and effectively lawless northeastern badlands.
The northeastern badlands are gangster-run. Perhaps by design, there is no radar surveillance of the burgeoning “narco state.”
Paraguay’s SENAD counter-narcotics chief, Zully Rolon refers to the region as “radarless.” What that means in practical terms is that the Paraguayan government has specifically chosen not to track flights into and out of the airspace.
At the same time, however, the Paraguayan badlands are ostensibly heavily “monitored” by the US State Department, US Military (SOUTHCOM, US Army, US Marine Corps) and US Department of Justice.
Sources who have been in contact with local CIA assets tell National File the U.S. deep state helped run the late Reverend Moon, that the CIA and U.S. deep state continue to micromanage the Moonies in Paraguay, and that the CIA itself runs drugs.
“Shakespeare, a self-confessed CIA drug trafficker, boasted of his links to former CIA head, Mike Pompeo. Shakespeare told me that after completing the dossier on Moon’s narco trafficking activities, he would introduce me to Pompeo. Shakespeare’s core objective was to wrestle for control of the Moonie narco asset.” our source said.
Our source also alleges Shakespeare was involved in Pompeo’s visit to Paraguay, and has provided National File with photos of Shakespeare and former U.S. Attorney General, Ed Meese, at Foz de Iguacu on the Brazil-Paraguay border.
National File has also seen screenshots and email evidence of Shakespeare canceling a trip to Bolivia that he and our source had set together, due to Shakespeare’s suspicion of Cuban (and CCP) intelligence that allegedly help manage Bolivia’s Customs, Port-of-Entry.
“What micromanagement looks like,” our source told us, “is CIA’s Shakespeare acting as a special adviser to Thomas Field, who is the head of the Unification Church’s ‘Philanthropy Arm’ in Latin America.
Thomas Fields is actually well-tied to the respected think tank Heritage Foundation.
Mark Francis Shakespeare, son of former CBS head and Knight of Malta, Frank Shakespeare has told National File’s sources that he, Mark Shakespeare, is a CIA drug runner himself, and that he was sent to Paraguay in the 1990s to “fix” an awkward situation alongside Ambassador Michael Glassman regarding a high-level narco disputes.
While perhaps once an “outlandish” claim, the CIA being involved in illicit narco-trafficking has now become mainstream knowledge. While once confined to historical and academic accounts in good-old-fashioned books, even “alternative-mainstream” trumpet Joe Rogan has begun to get in on this CIA narco-peddling action.”
Shakespeare further told our source that a close friend, the head of Moon’s Latin American “philanthropic arm,” a man named Thomas Field, “runs” the Governor of Alto Paraguay state, where the drugs are run from.
Shakespeare’s comments to our source have borne out. National File can report today that Alto Paraguay’s long-standing Governor, Marlene OCampos, is in fact a member of Preston Moon’s Unification Church.
The implications of this are quite clear. While the international media has spilled much ink in an effort to portray the Cartes administration as corrupt, it is the United States Government itself which is the instigator of that corruption and lawlessness.
The recent upheaval in Paraguay, rather than being a result of Cartes’ corruption, is more directly attributable, then, to foreign interference emanating from Washington, D.C.
Indeed, the China-connected Fox News Corporation has attempted as recently as July of this year to cover up the C.IA.-Moon-Bush Narco Trafficking mess with silly puff pieces trying to pretend that humanitarian efforts are the order of the day as opposed to overdoses and cartel murders.
And the corporate wrap-and-sell job isn’t complete with Fox News. The United Nations is also in on the scam to facilitate the Moonie “Narco Carbon” Project.

Right: Google Earth sub-section (partial) view of the Moon Church’s (“Atenil SA”) land ownership, summing c. 300,000 hectares of c. 600,000 hectares (2x size of Luxembourg) total. Belgian billionaire “philanthropist” and transcontinental port operator Fernand Huts’ (“Adelina SA”) alleged c. 18,000-hectare ownership also in-picture.
This little-known U.S. Govt-tied Paraguayan drug-trafficking region lies almost precisely on the Bolivia-Paraguay (and Brazilian) border.
Not surprisingly, the turf has also caught the attention of Russia’s military. The Russian Federation’s apparent geopolitical interest in Paraguay’s near uninhabitable region has focused specifically on a U.S. Marine Corps-linked “hotspot” called Dr. Luis Maria Argana International Airport.
Argana International Airport is located in the tiny and desolate township of Mariscal Estigarribia, according to the US Army’s Press.
At 3,500M long (11,483 feet), this uniquely located international airport, which also goes by the name of Mariscal Estigarribia Airport, bizarrely boasts South America’s longest, or equal-longest, runway landing strip.
An article in The Economist records a march in which the residents of Puerto Casado cast themselves as prisoners of the Moon cult. After spending years to free themselves from the grip of the powerful church with little to no progress to show for it, a sizeable contingency of the town with just seven thousand residents decided to hold a march on Paraguay’s capital of Asuncion.
“Five years on, with little sign of these promises being kept, hundreds of the town’s people recently traveled 400 miles (640km) to the capital, Asunción, to lobby Congress to free them from the cult,” The Economist reported.
Good thing Paraguay has the Moonies!
But, just who are they?
If you are under the age of fifty, it’s unlikely you’ve heard of the cult formerly known as “The Moonies.” The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), also known as simply the Unification Church, was founded in South Korea soon after World War II.
Founded under the religious auspices, the “church” quickly began inserting itself into anti-communist Cold War hotspots where OSS and CIA operations were run, such as Russia and Czechoslovakia. That was a divergence for Moon, the founder, who had previously cooperated with communists during the 1940s.
This is congruent with National File’s own proprietary findings linking the Moonies to the CIA and cocaine trafficking across the border in modern-day Paraguay.
As the Irish Times reported, at the time:
“Rev Moon’s ideology allowed him to cuddle up to many South American dictators during this era. Indeed, according to Bolivian intelligence reports at the time, he sought to recruit an “armed church” of 7,000 Bolivians receiving paramilitary training to support the infamous cocaine coup which brought Gen Carlos Meza to power with Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie running his security operations.”
Indeed, the acting leader of the Moonies at the time, Colonel Bo Hi Pak, was the first official well-wisher to visit the newly-coronated President Garcia post-Bolivia’s Moon-Barbie commandeered ‘Cocaine Coup,’ that according to CIA documents released under a Freedom of Information Act request in 2010.
Multiple historical accounts, including documents found in the CIA’s own ‘Reading Room,’ but not approved for release until 2010, indicate that the CIA was running both the Moonies AND Barbie in Bolivia.
In fact, Rev. Moon is reported to have been tutored by a shadowy figure by the name of Ryoichi Sasakawa, who helped goad Japan into involving itself in World War 2. According to Intelligence Online, Moon’s mentor Sasakawa was even alleged to have been a member of the Japanese version of the Mafia, known as the Yakuza.

Such are the origins of Rev. Moon’s business and religious dealings.
The Moonies have a long history of causing trouble as they’ve worked to grow their membership.
A 1981 article in the Washington Post goes into great detail about the group’s cult-like practices, though the headline reads a bit more favorably.
The New York Times recorded the Moonies’ strong investment incursion into nearby Uruguay in 1984 (archived here).
”The Moonies are a suspicious presence,” Julio Sanguinetti, president of one of Uruguay’s two largest political parties, the Colorados, said in an interview. ”They are religious fanatics with no religious activities.”
The Moonies’ cult-like reputation hasn’t earned them many friends or adherents.
A website founded by Steven Hassan called the Freedom of Mind Resource Center pitches itself as a consulting services to enable former cult members regain their freedom of mind and personal agency. Hassan is no fan of Moon.
By 1990, The Rev. Sun Myung Moon eventually announced that he was the Messiah, as the L.A. Times reported.
The Moonies have also been tightly wedded to South Korea’s intelligence apparatus, namely the National Intelligence Service (NIS) and its predecessor organ, the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA).
The U.S. Government was so concerned about the Moonies and ‘Koreagate,’ the U.S. House’s Committee on International Relations launched a review, known as the ‘Fraser Committee,’ a brief excerpt of which can be seen here in the CIA Reading Room documents.
A more detailed, 402-page historical account of this apparent bureaucratic hot potato can be found in Robert B. Boettcher’s book, tellingly entitled Gifts of deceit: Sun Myung Moon, Tongsun Park, and the Korean Scandal.
Boettcher, who according to the NY Times died from a mysterious fall from the top of a building at the ripe old age of 44, was the lead investigator of the Moonies-KCIA, ‘Koreagate,’ under Rep. Fraser, for whom the Committee investigation was named.
Given all of these clear connections, this reporter questions why the very tangible and public linkages between KCIA-Moon and Koreagate were also not raised in the recent Reuters and CNN reports.
The clear fact that the Unification Church was established by the director of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (KCIA) ought to be enough to rise to noteworthiness for a reporter at a formerly august institution such as the BBC, Reuters, or the Associated Press.
The late Sun Myung Moon’s “Unification Church” has been described by its own leadership, the New York Times and others as a predatory “cult.”
It is perhaps best known for its mass weddings of complete strangers in New York City’s Madison Square Garden.
Less understood in the mainstream, until now, are Moon’s shadowy links to the Republican Party (GOP) establishment, including disgraced former Vice President Mike Pence, and the cult’s sustained and iron-clad relationship with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Bush family.
Rolling Stone magazine wrote in 2022 that Rev. Moon cultivated political power inside the Beltway, which included forging “close ties” to the Bush family.
“In the United States, the elder Moon overcame legal troubles — he was once sentenced to 18 months in prison for filing false tax returns — and founded the conservative Washington Times, which he used to cultivate political power inside the Beltway, including forging close ties to the Bush family.”
The ties to the Bush family precipitated into close ties to the Bush Family progeny within the Republican Party – namely Mike Pence, who famously obstructed the official proceeding of the ratification of multiple states’ electors in order to certify them despite protests in states like Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin.
The Moonies’ ties to Mike Pence are especially incongruous given the patriarch Moon’s claim to be the Messiah, and The Moonies’ advocacy for the removal of the cross as the main symbol of Christianity. The Moonies even attach American racism and cross burning to their push to remove the cross from black churches in Chicago.
Moon even viewed the cross of Jesus to be an obstacle to uniting religions under his leadership, according to a report from The Gospel Coalition in 2018.
According to insiders, the Bush family is unequivocally and profitably on Moon’s mysterious payroll – to which, according to the Los Angeles Times, “…large amounts of (untraceable) cash arrives…from South America.”
As far back as 1997, the Los Angeles Times reported that Moonie donations to the conservative establishment were in the hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars.
However, the sources of Moon’s funding have been described, almost ubiquitously, as “suspect” or “unclear.”
The British Broadcasting Commission’s (BBC) Seamus Mirodan, who doubles as an award-winning NetFlix narco documentary filmmaker, go even further.
Cambridge-educated Mirodan sought our source’s advice, Paraguayan infiltration expertise and manpower on Mirodan’s mooted documentary, which overtly links Moon’s funding sources to black markets – chiefly, the illicit narcotics trade emanating from South American backwater and cocaine-corridor “nirvana,” Paraguay.
As Mirodan describes, Moon owns a c. 600,000 hectare land-bank in Paraguay, an area two times the size of the country of Luxembourg, and in the immediate vicinity of the drug-infested Paraguay-Bolivia border.
A decorated journalist, Mirodan writes, “Paraguay is the major drugs port through which virtually all the cocaine produced by Bolivia passes.” Bolivia, as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also notes, is a top three cocaine producer globally.
Paraguayan patriots and senior counter-narcotics personnel have also long railed against the Moonies’ allegedly illicit, supranational drug-trafficking ring.
The Paraguayans’ pleas have largely fallen on deaf ears, despite the US’ “War on Drugs,” and a mammoth U.S. Embassy in Paraguay stacked with qualified local and U.S. law enforcement, including CIA-DEA-SENAD, and overseen by SOUTHCOM’s SOCSOUTH.
In that vein, former Senator Domingo Laino, a former Prize for Freedom winner, stated: “…Moon’s interest in Paraguay…(is) control of the (illicit) narcotics business…Brazil’s President told me that Brazil took serious measures to curb Moon a few years back as it became evident that he (Moon) was buying up the border between our two countries.”
The person who set up the entire Paraguayan drug trade is a man named Fahd Jamil.
Fahd Jamil is the Moonies’ Narco Godfather and ‘Business Partner’ of Narco Oligarch Horacio Cartes, who has the local monikers of “The Al Capone of Paraguay” and “The Pablo Escobar Who Made It.”
The battle for drug turf and supply chains fought between Brazil’s PCC and Fahd Jamil, also known as “The Turk,” ended in a loss for Jamil and Paraguay.
Jamil was among the most wanted men in Brazil and beyond. In 2006, the United States added him to its Foreign Narcotics Kingpins list. Jamil also had links to a militia group in Brazil’s Campo Grande, the capital of the border state of Mato Grosso do Sul, and he is accused of being an intellectual author in the 1991 killing of a Paraguayan journalist, Santiago Leguizamón.
As it turns out, international Narcotics running is a messy business. Try as they might to put a rosy veneer on their dirty dealings, it just didn’t seem to be moving in the right direction for them.
Rev. Moon even ended up investing in a soccer club in Mato Grosso do Sul, near where the approximately 200,000 hectares were located.
Reports indicate that Brazil moved to expropriate over time approximately 200,000 Moon-held hectares in Brazil away from Moon, an ongoing sore point for the Moonies’ local commanders, according to our source, that was held across the border from Moon’s “Campo Grande” asset in Brazil’s Mato Grosso do Sul state.
A 2006 article in The Guardian even referenced a raid carried out by Brazilian authorities on Moon’s “New Hope” ranch.
Mato Grosso do Sul state has also been strongly linked to South America’s two largest drug trafficking gangs, the Primeiro Comando da Capital (“PCC”) and Comando Vermelho (“Red Commando”), and dozens of high-profile murders over time.
There’s only one reason Moon – or anyone – would have an interest in this useless dirt that sits on the border between Brazil and Paraguay: drugs.
“There are two principal branches to Moon’s interest in Paraguay,” he said. Principally among them is “control of the narcotics business,”national Senator Domingo Laino said of the land acquisition strategy.
Allegations from local law enforcement officials in Paraguay support Senator Laino’s claim.
Dr. Montiel, Paraguay’s former drugs tsar (DEA equivalent) told the Irish Times:
“The fact that they (Moon) came and bought in the Paraguayan Chaco and on both sides of the Brazilian border is very telling. It is an enormously strategic point in both the (illicit) narcotics and (illicit) arms trades and indeed the available intelligence clearly shows that the Moon sect is involved in both these enterprises.”
Even the Chilean government has accused these arcane but core Bush–GOP–Intelligence establishment allies of being “a danger to society,” as reported by the Irish Times.
Paraguayan Senator Emilio Camacho and former President of Paraguay’s Partido Encuentro Nacional Party has even harsher words for the Moonies:
“The Moon sect is a mafia. They seek to subvert government control and are effectively building a state within a state. I believe they are hoping the local population will leave so they have unquestioned authority in the zone and are free to do whatever they want.” This jives with our source’s comment, in which he alleges Vatican-linked Mark F. Shakespeare (son of Nixon’s former Minister for Information, former US Ambassador to the Holy See, and initial Bush Senior preferred pick for CIA Director, Frank Shakespeare) told him: “Whomever controls that (c. 600,000-hectare) Moon asset can control Paraguay.”
And, according to the Financial Times in late 2022, the Moonies have infiltrated much of Japan’s Congress, where they have amassed 100,000 members in-country.
To wit, the Financial Times also ties the recent assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to his murky Moonie connections.
Our source, pictured variously below with Shakespeare, with his own personal security, with Paraguayan military personnel aka Moon “staff” on-site at the Moon narco operation, and with the Moonies’ local co-head, CIA-linked Kiantar Betancourt, has explicitly told National File that he is willing take a polygraph on any and all questions related to the Moonie-Paraguay operation, as well as the alleged Bush–Paraguay “farming” operations, and would be willing to sign affidavits and appear on-camera in due course.

By way of additional, contextual background, our source has worked closely with this reporter for some time and was recently credited, among other things, with punking Klaus Schwab, and stymying the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to broaden their reach into overwhelmingly Christian-Catholic and often pro-Taiwan South America.
Additionally, our source has also served as the counter-intelligence teeth behind National File’s breaking reporting on the Epstein-CCP-PLA-MSS wedded foreign-Congressional influence operation that is the joint-venture between the “Humpty Dumpty Institute” (Epstein) and the “Taihe Institute” (CCP).
For his troubles, he was recently subjected to a vicious physical assault by goons from the Biden State Department in Brasilia, Brazil, part of which is held on a tape in his possession. This attack was lightly covered by Emerald Robinson in late 2022.
National File and their sources within the U.S. Military and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) apparatus, allied media, and Christian-Conservative small business community, will continue to fearlessly highlight the extensive linkages between “elite” global institutions comprised of “unelected globalists,” high-ranking “Narco-Communists,” and supranational, institutional-grade, illicit narcotics trafficking.