Last Updated on March 4, 2023
The deep blue city of Charlottesville, Virginia has invented a new holiday, called “Liberation Day,” to celebrate the surrender of the city to Union forces on March 3rd, 1865. Notably, no battle took place in Charlottesville, and the city was surrendered after the Union Army, under the command of Generals Sheridan and Custer, threatened to burn the Thomas Jefferson-founded University of Virginia.
The City of Charlottesville, Virginia announced on Friday that its offices would be closed in observance of “Liberation & Freedom Day,” a new holiday commemorating the day that Union troops arrived in the city in 1865 and supposedly informed the population of Lincoln’s signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. The new holiday has been compared to a “warm-up” session for Juneteenth, which was first observed as a federal holiday in 2021 and already commemorates the freeing of American slaves.
In addition to closing city offices in observance of the new Liberation Day occasion, the City of Charlottesville will be sponsoring a number of black history events throughout the city. Notably, none of the festivities commemorate the actual Civil War or the soldiers who fought in it on both sides.

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The Civil War history of Charlottesville, along with much of the city’s Jeffersonian history, has been rapidly erased in recent years by the far-left city council, which helped kick off a nationwide campaign to rip down Confederate monuments and permit riotous Antifa mobs to lay waste to public and private property.
The efforts of Charlottesville and other left-wing cities to erase their own history has been compared by many to Soviet efforts to destroy the history of conquered nations and re-present it in a way that compliments their narrative and political agenda.
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While no large-scale battles took place in Charlottesville, a moment that lives on in local folklore but has been ignored by the city in creating its “Liberation Day” holiday is the arrival of Union forces.
It was then that the little boys and old men who remained in Charlottesville, after fighting-age males had gone off to war, gathered makeshift weapons to stand in defense of Jefferson’s University of Virginia. They stood down after the city and school were surrendered, the only viable option as Generals Sheridan and Custer threatened to burn both to the ground should they face any physical resistance.
Though Charlottesville wasn’t home to any notorious conflicts, another historical fact that’s been washed away by the left-wing city is Charlottesville’s Civil War status as a major medical center.
Throughout the war, Charlottesville was home to a 500-bed hospital, which treated over 22,000 patients. It was also home to the large-scale production of artificial limbs, for the massive amount of amputees the war had created.
The 19th Virginia Infantry Regiment, the history of which has also been ignored and erased by city officials, was formed in Charlottesville after Virginia seceded from the Union. It was made up of residents of Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and students from the University of Virginia. During Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg, the 19th Virginia Infantry regiment lost a whopping 60% of its men.