Black History Museum Melts Down Charlottesville Lee Statue by Frankie Stockes October 27, 2023 A black history museum has melted down the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville, ...
Video: Pre-K, Elementary Students Forced to Celebrate ‘Pride Month’ in Charlottesville, VA by Frankie Stockes June 4, 2023 Elementary school children as young as pre-K and ranging up to just fourth grade were forced to take part in ...
Virginia: Democrat Socialite, Uni-Party ‘Scion’ Arrested on Child Porn, Attempted Rape Charges by Frankie Stockes April 22, 2023 A Charlottesville, Virginia socialite who's described as the "scion" of a major uni-party legal family and the ex-wife of a ...
Soros Prosecutor Charges Men for Carrying Tiki Torches in Charlottesville 6 Years Later by Frankie Stockes April 20, 2023 The Soros-funded prosecutor of Albemarle County, Virginia has had multiple men indicted nearly 6 years after the mostly peaceful "Unite ...
Virginia: Deep Blue Charlottesville Invents ‘Liberation Day’ to Celebrate Confederate Surrender of City by Frankie Stockes March 4, 2023 The deep blue city of Charlottesville, Virginia has invented a new holiday, called "Liberation Day," to celebrate the surrender of ...
Biden Repeats Charlottesville ‘Very Fine People’ Lie at NATO Summit by Cullen McCue March 24, 2022 President Joe Biden once again repeated the lie that former Trump referred to Nazis as "very fine people" shortly after ...
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story