Video: LGBT Mob Sets Upon Street Preacher, Destroys His Bible While Barking Like Dogs by Frankie Stockes June 26, 2023 A sparsely-clothed LGBT mob set upon a street preacher at the weekend’s “Seattle Pride” celebration, barking in his face like ...
Starbucks to Close 16 Locations Across US, Citing Safety Concerns by Cullen McCue July 13, 2022 Starbucks announced that it would be closing 16 locations across the U.S. The coffee giant cited safety concerns in its ...
Seattle Pride Demonstrators Parade Fully Nude in Front of Children by Paul Aubert June 27, 2022 During a pride parade in Seattle, Washington, a throng of naked cyclists rode in circles in front of young children. ...
Seattle Space Needle Sues Local Coffee Chain Over Alleged Use of its Logo by Cullen McCue June 11, 2022 A company that owns the Seattle Space Needle has filed a lawsuit against a local coffee chain, alleging that the ...
VIDEO: Seattle Antifa Builds ‘Snow Wall’ To Keep Police, Emergency Vehicles From Leaving East Precinct by Archive February 14, 2021 Seattle Antifa used snow to keep powerless police officers from leaving the building, potentially hindering emergency response.
Seattle Antifa Attack Historic Federal Courthouse, Some Wonder If They Represent ‘Threat To Our Democracy’ by Archive January 20, 2021 Antifa attacked an historic federal courthouse, leading some to wonder if they represent a "threat to our democracy."
Josh Hawley’s Bill Failed to Give Cause of Action for Parents whose Children are Mutilated by Doctors
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story