VIDEO: UK Black Rioters Tear Down Statue Of African Icon Haile Selassie by Eduardo Rivero July 14, 2020 Black rioters have torn down a statue of iconic African leader Emperor Haile Selassie during a Black Lives Matter protest ...
VIDEO: Protester Screams ‘I Am A Woman, Stop Misgendering Me’ While Restrained By National Guard by National File News July 13, 2020 Bizarre scene unfolds at protest as protester shrieks about incorrect pronoun usage while being detained by armed infantry
VIDEO: Man Enrages BLM Mob by Calmly Sunbathing, Reading a Book in the Middle of a Protest by National File News June 3, 2020 Left-wing activists seethe over unbothered man vibing in the park
VIDEO: Men Give Thumbs Up to Rioters, Shocked By Bricks Thrown Through Windows Seconds Later by National File News June 2, 2020 "We're on your side, we're on your side" the men scream in shock and horror
Rioters Burn Down Home, Block Firefighters, Trap Children Inside by Archive June 2, 2020 House in Richmond, VA, was torched by rioters and firefighters were prevented from reaching scene
Journalist ‘Devastated’ After Her ‘Progressive’ Newspaper Is Vandalized By Left-Wing Rioters by National File News June 1, 2020 Newspaper that wrote about being an "ally" to minorities was vandalized during North Carolina riots
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates