Irish Protesters Block And Turn Around An Invasion of Bussed-In Migrants by Patrick Howley March 25, 2023 Irish protesters successfully blocked at least one bus full of migrants that was headed to a refugee settlement station at ...
Biden’s Afghan Migrants Bring Measles to Virginia, And Hospitals Are So Overwhelmed They’re Turning Away Americans by Frankie Stockes September 14, 2021 Northern Virginia health officials are reporting cases of measles among at least four Afghan migrants who recently arrived in the ...
Activist Imam Fundraising For Afghan Refugees Discussed ‘Good Purpose’ Of 9/11 Spoke With McAuliffe, Hosted Holocaust Denier by Patrick Howley August 20, 2021 As refugees from Afghanistan pour into the Fort Lee U.S. military base in Virginia, an imam named Ammar Amonette is ...
DENMARK: Prime Minister Pushes For Country To Admit ‘Zero Asylum Seekers’ In 2021 by Archive January 24, 2021 As Joe Biden issues orders to discontinue construction of the border wall and prepare for an onslaught of undocumented refugees ...
STUDY: US-Led Wars That Trump is Now Ending Caused The Refugee Crisis, 37 Million Displaced by Archive September 18, 2020 37 million people were displaced from the U.S.-led War on Terror
REPORT: Pro-Migrant Activist Murdered by Migrant Boyfriend by Archive January 24, 2020 Young woman had made pro-open borders comments on social media
South Carolina Patriot Group Pushes for Closed Primaries, Removal of Closed-Source Code Machines Connected To Internet