Bow-Wielding ‘Forest Rambo’ Disarms Four Police Officers, Eludes Massive Manhunt in German Black Forest by National File News July 15, 2020 A German man has been dubbed the "Forest Rambo" after successfully disarming four police officers sent to seize his firearms ...
San Francisco Considers ‘CAREN Act’ to Penalize ‘Racially Exploitative’ 911 Callers by Archive July 8, 2020 Calling the police could become an illegal act if authorities determine there's a racial motive behind the call
VIDEO: ‘Defund the Police’ Protesters Requested Police Protection For Their ‘Safety’ by National File News July 3, 2020 "They requested a police presence, you know, for their safety. At the 'defund the police' event."
While America Considers Abolishing Police, China Uses Guns, Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets to Pacify Hong Kong Protests by Archive July 2, 2020 The people of Hong Kong are protesting for their right to disagree with the government, and are being brutally attacked ...
VIDEO: BLM Vandal Assaults Elderly Man, Runs To Police And Demands Protection When Chased by National File News June 26, 2020 "Oh, now you want the cops!" taunts directed at vandal who sought refuge behind police
Fortnite Removes Police Cars to Mourn George Floyd’s Death by Archive June 24, 2020 Fortnite is now a no-cop zone.