JESUS IS KING: Polish Conservatives Seek To Crack Down On Blasphemous LGBT Religious Imagery by Archive March 4, 2021 Nearly 5 years after Our Lord Jesus Christ was officially coronated King of Poland, a Polish court acquitted 3 LGBT ...
Big Tech Companies May Face Millions in Fines with Poland’s New Anti-Censorship Law by National File News March 2, 2021 New legislation introduced in Poland would fine Big Tech companies up to $13.5 million if they illegally censored Polish citizens. ...
VIDEO: Leftist Protesters ‘Bark Like Dogs’ at Pro-Life Catholics in Poland March by Archive October 2, 2020 Bizarre confrontation at a recent protest
EU Defunds Polish Cities That Declared Themselves “Free Of LGBTI Ideology” by Eduardo Rivero July 31, 2020 The European Union has stripped funding from six Polish cities after they declared themselves to be "free of LGBTI ideology." ...
VIDEO: Polish President Says LGBT Ideology is ‘Neo-Bolshevism,’ Sexualizes Children by Archive July 18, 2020 The recently reelected president compared the LGBT community to "Neo-Bolshevism."
Poland ‘Accidentally’ Invaded and Annexed Part of Czech Republic by Archive June 16, 2020 Polish military imposed coronavirus lockdown restrictions outside their borders
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates