High-Ranking PlayStation Executive Terminated After Allegedly Appearing In Pedophile Sting Video by Kim Coulter December 6, 2021 Senior Vice President of Sony, George Cacioppo, has been fired after footage of him was allegedly released on a YouTube ...
Biden Regime Ends Trump’s ‘Operation Talon’, AG’s Say Decision Will Create ‘Perverse Incentive For Foreign Sexual Predators’ by Archive February 23, 2021 “The cancellation of effectively broadcasts to the world that the United States is now a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators."
Hasbro Recalls Toy With Secret Button on ‘Private Area’ That Makes Doll ‘Gasp and Giggle’ by Archive August 10, 2020 A "Troll" doll made by Hasbro was revealed to carry a secret button on its "private parts" that made the ...
Cox Media Admits to Using Smartphones to Spy on Private Conversations on Behalf of Facebook, Google, Amazon