New York Mayor Candidate Fernando Mateo Paid Democrat Consultant Who Called Trump A ‘Traitor’, Mike Flynn A ‘Fascist’ by Archive June 21, 2021 The Republican candidate has ties to a Democrat political consultant who expressed hatred for President Trump and Mike Flynn
Giuliani Endorses Guardian Angels Founder Curtis Sliwa For NYC Mayor After National File Highlights Opponent’s Anti Trump Remarks by Archive June 10, 2021 "We need Curtis," said Giuliani, before calling him "the right man at the right time in the right place."
New York Mayoral Candidate, Now Claiming to Be Pro-Trump, Bashed Him as ‘Arrogant’ and Praised Mass Amnesty by National File News June 5, 2021 Supposed pro-Trump Republican New York Mayoral candidate Fernando Mateo in February bashed him as "arrogant" and praising mass amnesty, newly ...
EXCLUSIVE: Vivek Confirms That His Pro-Immigration ‘Saved By The Bell’ Rant Led To His Exit From Trump’s Team
Woke Lady Bishop Complains About ‘Disheartening’ Response To Her Politicized Sermon After President Trump DESTROYS Her