VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson Supports ‘Additional Aid for Ukraine’ by Frankie Stockes October 27, 2023 New GOP Speaker of the House Mike Johnson told reporters that he supports sending additional American aid to Ukraine, even ...
Video: Mike Johnson Parrots BLM, Says Whites Have ‘An Easier Path’ by Frankie Stockes October 26, 2023 Newly-elected Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) says that the "reality" of American life is that being white ...
BREAKING: Rep. Mike Johnson Elected Speaker of the House by Frankie Stockes October 25, 2023 GOP Rep. Mike Johnson (LA-4) has been elected as the 56th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives after ...
GOP Speaker Nominee Mike Johnson Owned by War Machine by Frankie Stockes October 25, 2023 GOP Speaker of the House nominee Mike Johnson (LA-4) is financed by the military-industrial complex war machine that's drained America ...
Newest GOP ‘Savior’ Louisiana’s Mike Johnson Heavily Funded by Pharma by Frankie Stockes October 25, 2023 GOP Speaker of the House nominee Mike Johnson (LA-4) is heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, including Louisiana's largest government-linked ...
Mike Johnson, Who Praised Zelensky And Supports Israel, Becomes Latest Republican Speaker Frontrunner by Patrick Howley October 25, 2023 Mike Johnson of Louisiana won a conference vote to become Republican speaker-designate with 128 votes and with Kevin McCarthy picking ...