Lawsuit Filed in Michigan Alleges State Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots by Archive December 2, 2020 If there was any doubt that partisan politics influenced the 2020 General Election in Michigan Phil Kline and The Amistad ...
‘COLD CALCULATED FRAUD’: Detroit Poll Watcher Alleges Electioneering, Phony Biden Ballots, Discarded Trump Ballots by Archive December 1, 2020 At the Michigan hearing on election integrity, Detroit poll watcher Articia Bomer claimed to witness multiple examples of "irregularities and ...
MICHIGAN: Dominion Worker Says She Saw Her Bosses Engage In Fraud At Detroit Vote Counting Location by Archive December 1, 2020 A witness at today's hearing says she saw her Dominion bosses engaging in fraudulent behavior
MICHIGAN: State Will Hold Gettysburg-Style Election Fraud Hearing On December 1 by Archive November 27, 2020 In a move that mirrors state senate hearings that took place this week in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a Senate committee in ...
ANALYSIS: Transparent Mail-In Voting Audit Could Easily Flip 2020 Election for Trump by A.J. Cooke November 25, 2020 If audits rejected mail-in votes at the same rate as in 2018, it would entirely eliminate Biden's margin of victory
THIRD WORLD: Michigan AG Seeks Criminal Charges For State Legislators Who Spoke With Trump by Archive November 23, 2020 Michigan’s secretary of state looks to bring the totalitarian practice of political prosecution to a whole new level
Trump’s Treasury Secretary Expects ‘Substantial’ Revenue From Tariffs, Reveals That Mexico Has Proposed To Match Our Chinese Tariffs
RFK Pledges To Investigate Childhood Vaccine Schedule, Dunking on Bill Cassidy By Ignoring Their Deal From Confirmation Fight
Iowa Lawmakers Pass Bill To Eliminate Gender Identity As A Protected Class Despite LBGTQ+ Insurrection On State Capitol