History’s Vandal: Kevin McCarthy Voted With BLM Democrats to Tear Down Monuments by Frankie Stockes December 19, 2022 GOP establishment leader Kevin McCarthy voted to remove historical monuments from the U.S. Capitol Building, siding with BLM Democrats against ...
Exclusive: John Hill, Descendent of AP Hill, Exposes the Monument Corruption of BLM Mayor Levar Stoney by Frankie Stockes December 16, 2022 National File spoke with John Hill, the closest living relative of Confederate General AP Hill, after his ancestor's headstone monument ...
BLM Mayor of Richmond, VA DIGS UP REMAINS of Confederate General AP Hill by Frankie Stockes December 14, 2022 Richmond, Virginia's BLM-aligned mayor, LeVar Stoney, ordered crews to dig up the remains of Confederate General AP Hill, which were ...
VIRGINIA: Jarome Bell Blasts Lee Monument Destruction, Historical Vandalism as Jen Kiggans Remains Silent by Frankie Stockes September 12, 2021 America First candidate for Congress, Jarome Bell is blasting the removal of Richmond's Robert E. Lee Monument and other cases ...
Virginia Democrats Plan to Dig Up Grave of Confederate General A.P. Hill, No Plan To Move Coffin by Frankie Stockes May 23, 2021 Democrats in Richmond are finalizing plans to remove a storied general's grave and monument with no clear plans for relocation
Virginia Military Institute To De-Person Stonewall Jackson, Re-Attribute Quotes in Soviet-Style Purge by Frankie Stockes May 8, 2021 Stonewall Jackson's name will be forgotten, and his quotes will be attributed to people who did not say them.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates