NATO Twitter Page References Harry Potter, Thanos in Pro-Ukraine Tweet by Charles Downs February 23, 2023 The official NATO Twitter account sent out a bizarre tweet at 4:27 am Eastern Time Monday that read, "Ukraine is ...
Liberals Mourn Bader Ginsburg on Twitter, Compare Her to Characters from Marvel, Star Wars, Harry Potter by National File News September 18, 2020 Liberals on Twitter are mourning Ruth Bader Ginsburg in their own way, comparing her to characters from Marvel, Star Wars, ...
VIDEOS: Feminists Burn Harry Potter Books on TikTok Because JK Rowling Doesn’t Respect Trans Women by Archive September 16, 2020 A new trend of feminist book burnings takes off out of spite for the children's book author
Trans MMA Fighter ‘Enjoyed’ Fracturing Biological Woman’s Skull, Called it ‘Bliss’ by Archive June 22, 2020 Fallon Fox's deleted tweet reveals a more sinister side to pugilistic arts
UK Politician Says Parliament ‘Like Hogwarts After Death Eaters Took Over’ by National File News January 17, 2020 "I've rocked up and Severus Snape is the headteacher"
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates