VIDEO: Michigan County Discovers ‘Glitch’ That Gave 6,000 Trump Votes To Biden by Archive November 6, 2020 A glitch that favors Democrats, who ever heard of such a thing?
VIDEO: Detroit GOP Observers Locked Out Over ‘COVID Rules’ Now Demand Transparency by Archive November 5, 2020 Ballot tabulations continue in Detroit Michigan but they do so behind closed doors and without and Republican poll watchers being ...
VIDEO: Unmarked Containers Rolled Into Secure Detroit Voting Center At 4 AM by Archive November 5, 2020 A lawyer working with the group Lawyers for Trump captured video of some highly suspicious activity at one Detroit vote-counting ...
DETROIT: Vote Counters Board Up Windows, Turn GOP Observers Away As Trump Voters Chant ‘Let Us In’ by National File News November 4, 2020 “We want all the Republican challengers out of this room!”
VIDEO: Detroit Police SUV Plows Through Crowd of BLM Protesters by Archive June 29, 2020 Police officer reportedly panicked after attendees climb on hood, forcing some to fly through air
Another Dog Killed By Rioters As Detroit Home Burned During Riots by Archive June 9, 2020 A man lost his home, work truck, and family dog as looting and rioting overcame his Detroit neighborhood.
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified