WITNESS: White Male GOP Observers Were Targeted In Detroit, Poll Workers Screamed ‘Get These MFs Out’ by National File News December 1, 2020 "The thing that bothered me was every time a GOP challenger was being thrown out, all the poll workers, Democrats, ...
MICHIGAN: Dominion Worker Says She Saw Her Bosses Engage In Fraud At Detroit Vote Counting Location by Archive December 1, 2020 A witness at today's hearing says she saw her Dominion bosses engaging in fraudulent behavior
SUSPICIOUS: Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton Nationwide, Except In Four Cities by Archive November 17, 2020 The lawsuits are flying in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin over a plethora of anomalies where ballots, vote counting, ...
WATCH: Former MI State Senator Says Detroit Tabulation Machines Were Illegally Connected to the Web by Archive November 13, 2020 With lawsuits pending charging multiple instances of voter fraud in the State of Michigan, now an eyewitness has come forward ...
VIDEO: Detroit Ballot Counters Appeared To Be Counting ‘Xerox Copies’ As Military Ballots by Archive November 9, 2020 An eyewitness explains why Democrat vote-counting supervisors covered the office windows with pizza boxes and didn’t want people to see ...
FRAUD: Michigan Knowingly Issued Ballots For Dead People, Including 118 Year Old Born In 1902 by Archive November 6, 2020 Before the State of Michigan briefly terminated access to this info online it was reported that seven people older than ...
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story