DC Coroner Still Doesn’t Know Why People Died On January 6, Even As Congress Claims Deaths Caused By Protests by Jon Moseley January 17, 2021 We only know the cause of death for Ashli Babbitt, who was shot by a police officer. The rest are ...
VIDEO: ‘Moderate’ Dem Manchin Says Senate Should Explore Expelling Hawley, Cruz Under 14th Amendment by Archive January 16, 2021 If Republicans in Washington, DC, thought they had a firewall against the radical Biden-Harris agenda in US Sen. Joe Manchin ...
GOP Rep. Calls For Investigation Into Fellow Republicans Who Supported Trump In Electoral College Challenge by Archive January 15, 2021 Freshman GOP Congresswoman who used Trump to get elected backstabs him and her colleagues over Electoral College challenge; impeachment
Kevin McCarthy Parrots FBI’s Version of January 6th Events, Blames ‘Pro-Trump Extremists’ by Archive January 12, 2021 The House Minority Leader has signed on to the politically motivated narrative that the mayhem on Capitol Hill was organically ...
VOX: GamerGate to Blame for Capitol Hill Protest Gone Awry by National File News January 12, 2021 The usual suspects are once again blaming "ethics in videogames journalism" for civil unrest
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates