SPLC Lawyer Arrested in Connection With Leftist Terrorist Attack on ATL Police Training Facility by Cullen McCue March 6, 2023 An attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center is among the 23 far-left demonstrators facing domestic terrorism charges stemming from ...
Antifa Terrorists Firebomb ‘Cop City’ Training Facility in Atlanta by Frankie Stockes March 6, 2023 Antifa terrorists have firebombed the police training center being built in a forest outside of Atlanta, Georgia, which they have ...
‘You’re a Good Guy, No Question’ Federal Judge Tells Antifa Terrorist, Wannabe Cop Killer by Frankie Stockes January 30, 2023 A federal court judge in New York City praised a lawyer-turned-convicted Antifa terrorist as a "good guy" during a sentencing ...
Miami Antifa Sympathizer Indicted For Allegedly Vandalizing Pro-Life Center by Paul Aubert January 25, 2023 Two Florida residents have been indicted by the Department of Justice over charges alleging they vandalized a pro-life health center ...
Video: Antifa-Aligned ‘Journalist’ Does Mental Gymnastics to Re-Define Violence by Frankie Stockes January 25, 2023 An Antifa-aligned "journalist" performed a mental gymnastics routine live on CNN this week, as he attempted to re-define the word ...
‘Non-Binary’ Child of House Minority Whip Was Arrested for Assaulting a Police Officer at Far-Left Protest by Cullen McCue January 23, 2023 The child of House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA) was arrested over the weekend for assaulting a Boston police officer ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates