Trump to present Classified Evidence that 2020 Election was Stolen. by Charles Downs October 27, 2023 Newly released court documents show President Trump will present evidence in his upcoming D.C. trial that a foreign power stole ...
DeSantis Lies Some More on Fox News by Charles Downs July 1, 2023 Ron DeSantis told Jesse Watters some extraordinary lies on Fox News Thursday night. This fact comes as no surprise as ...
Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell Interfered in the 2016 and 2020 Elections by Charles Downs May 16, 2023 A video that Hillary Clinton tweeted on October 31st, 2020, shows Ms. Clinton giving a 2016 speech in Ohio that ...
Pay To Play: Obama Offered $1 MILLION to FBI for ‘Dirt’ on Donald Trump by Addison Basurto October 16, 2022 FBI Supervisory Analyst, Brian Auten, testified on Tuesday in the criminal trial case of United States v. Danchenko (1:21-cr-00245) at ...
Failed Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Talks Trump, Upcoming Elections in Interview by Ben Bailey June 20, 2022 Recently, two-time failed Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton did a long, sit-down interview with the Financial Times. During the interview, ...
Majority of Democrats Still Believe ‘Russian Interference’ Swayed 2016 Election by Cullen McCue April 22, 2022 According to a new Rasmussen Reports survey, a large majority of Democrats still believe that “Russian interference” played a key ...
Josh Hawley’s Bill Failed to Give Cause of Action for Parents whose Children are Mutilated by Doctors
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story