Culture Video: Jussie Smollett’s Hate Hoax Accomplices Explain Fake Attack, Elaborate Plot March 16, 2023
Culture Far-Left UVA Admits Black Woman Attacked Black Affairs Office After Cover-Up December 7, 2022
HATE HOAX: Racist College Graffiti That Led To Boycott Was Written By Black Student by Archive April 10, 2021 Racist graffiti on the Albion College campus that prompted student protests and boycotts was left by a 21-year-old black male...
Black Intellectuals Blast Critical Race Training in Open Letter to Smith College After Hate Hoax by Frankie Stockes March 26, 2021 Employees of the school were forced to publicly 'cleanse' themselves of racism during the training
LISTEN: Clinton, Pelosi Float Baseless Conspiracy That Trump, Putin Planned Capitol Hill Protest by Archive January 20, 2021 With relative certainty that she wouldn’t get banned from her platform, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used her little-known...
CHARLIE KIRK: Trump Campaign Should ‘Hire A Gay Black Actor’ To Cry So FBI Will Investigate Voter Fraud by Archive November 21, 2020 Charlie Kirk points out that Jussie Smollett's hate hoax got a bigger FBI response than massive allegations of voter fraud
The Squad Calls on UN to Investigate DHS as Human Rights Violators by Archive October 24, 2020 In a move that can only be seen as absurd, a group of Progressive lawmakers, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and “The...
DOCUMENTS: University of Minnesota Lecture Offers 12 Step Program For ‘Recovery From Whiteness’ by Archive October 16, 2020 The University of Minnesota offers a course for credit that centers on a ‘12-Step Program’ titled ‘Recovery from White Conditioning’...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates