House Candidate Jarome Bell Says Republicans Must Stop Sending ‘Weak Politicians’ to DC or Riots Will Continue by Frankie Stockes June 22, 2020 Virginia House candidate Jarome Bell warned against sending his opponent Scott Taylor back to Washington, D.C.
Update: Jim Kaczmarek, Dismissed by Scott Taylor Team, Goes on Campaign Sign Removal Rampage by Frankie Stockes June 21, 2020 A disgruntled former campaign worker for Scott Taylor went on a rant accusing Taylor of "nepotism" before tearing down his...
VIDEO: Virginia Senator Told Police to Stand Down Before Statue Collapse Left Man in Critical Condition by Frankie Stockes June 11, 2020 State Senator Louise Lucas was caught on camera ordering police to stand down before the devastating incident.
VIDEO: Scott Taylor Surrogate Launches Racially Charged Rant Against Trump-Aligned Opponent Jarome Bell by Frankie Stockes June 10, 2020 A surrogate for a Virginia Republican claimed his primary opponent, an African American Navy veteran, speaks with a "touch of...
Confederate Memorial Toppled in Richmond, Virginia as Left-Wing Mobs Continue to Riot With Impunity by Frankie Stockes June 7, 2020 After nights of protests, a Confederate memorial has been destroyed.
VIDEO: White Leftists Physically Attack, Berate Black Cop With Racial Slurs at #BLM Demonstration by Frankie Stockes June 6, 2020 Black lives seem not to matter when they're wearing blue.
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified