Establishment Crucifies Musk Over Jewish Antiwhitism Post by Brian Pfail November 21, 2023 X owner and richest man alive, Elon Musk, agreed with an alleged antisemitic social media post claiming that whites are ...
PHOTOS: Alleged Pro-McAuliffe Hoax Features Black ‘White Supremacist’ With Tiki Torch Standing By Youngkin Bus by Archive October 29, 2021 A group of people holding tiki torches were photographed at a Glenn Youngkin campaign event in Virginia. The situation has ...
AG Merrick Garland Says ‘Top Domestic Violent Extremist Threat’ Comes From White Supremacists by Archive June 15, 2021 The Biden regime is turning the federal government against American citizens under the threat of "domestic terrorism."
VIDEO: ‘Gun Girl’ Kaitlin Bennett Asks Jim Acosta To Disavow White Supremacy, He Refuses by Archive February 28, 2021 Kaitlin Bennett confronted Jim Acosta for a second time, this time to ask if he will denounce white supremacy.
Teachers Union President Declares In-Person Instruction, Teen Suicides Caused By Lockdowns Are ‘White Privilege’ by Archive January 27, 2021 Scott Wilson, the president of the Washington state-based Pasco Association of Educators (PAE), stated in a Zoom meeting that re-opening ...
AOC Proposes Funding to ‘De-Program’ What She Calls ‘White Supremacists’ by Archive January 17, 2021 The Progressive icon seeks to use the dog whistle of ‘White supremacy’ as a catch-all to demonize everyone who doesn’t ...
LEAKED EMAILS: Blue Cross Blue Shield NC Coordinated Directly with NC Democrat Gov to Stifle Aid to Western NC
BOMBSHELL GA COURT TESTIMONY: “Dominion Encryption Keys Can Be Used to Decrypt and Change Election Result Files”
Gen. Flynn Says North Carolina Reawaken America Tour Will Serve North Carolinians Suffering After Helene