Report: WalMart to Close Portland Locations Due to Surging Crime by Cullen McCue March 6, 2023 Walmart has announced that all of its Portland locations will be closing amid surging crime. “We have nearly 5,000 stores ...
EXCLUSIVE: Walmart Apologizes to Josh Hawley For Errant Tweet Bashing Electoral College Challenge by Archive December 30, 2020 Walmart apologized to Hawley for the errant tweet.
Sen. Hawley Slams Retail Giant After Walmart Bashes January 6 Election Challenge on Twitter by Archive December 30, 2020 Walmart's Twitter account took a political stand against Josh Hawley.
Walmart Pulls Guns, Ammunition From Store Displays Over Fear They Will Be Looted By BLM Rioters by National File News October 29, 2020 "We have moved our firearms and ammunition off the sales floor as a precaution for the safety of our associates ...
Coronavirus Shoplifter ‘Projectile Pooped’ During Shoplifting Arrest at Walmart by Archive April 15, 2020 A sticky situation for quarantine-breaching petty thief
Colombia Demands Compensation for ‘Offensive’ Christmas Sweater Showing Santa Snort Cocaine by Kim Coulter December 21, 2019 The product description read, "Santa really likes to savor the moment when he gets his hands on some quality, grade ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates