New York GOP Flops with Pilip, Suozzi Victorious by Brian Pfail February 15, 2024 Democrats seized New York's 3rd Congressional District after the New York GOP propped up and spent millions on IDF veteran, ...
ARIZONA: Voting Machines, Ballot Counters Abandoned At Strip Mall; Republicans Did Not Sign ‘Certificate of Accuracy’ by National File News November 10, 2020 Arizona now has voting machines abandoned in a strip mall and Republicans shirking their duty to make sure ballots are ...
Robocalls Meant to Suppress Republican Voter Turnout Probed by FBI by Archive November 3, 2020 Robocalls that warn of an elevated risk of contracting the coronavirus and reporting very long lines at polling places have ...
Democrats Panic Over Miami-Dade Voter Turnout After GOP Ahead in Early Voting by Archive October 28, 2020 Democrats and Progressives in the traditionally solid blue Miami-Dade County are in a panic as early voting results indicate a ...
Early Voters Can Change Their Votes Before Voting Deadline in These States by Archive October 27, 2020 In the aftermath of the final presidential debate, Google trends revealed a spike in people inputting the search term, “can ...
Michael Bloomberg Raises Money To Pay Fines For Felons So They Can Vote Democrat in 2020 by Archive September 23, 2020 Billionaire Michael Bloomberg helped to raise $20 million in an effort to restore voting rights to Florida felons
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates