UN Human Rights Chief Calls for Global ‘Reparations’ for ‘People of African Descent’ by Archive June 18, 2020 Former Chilean President wants to redress historic violence for people of African descent
The UN Wants You to Begin Calling Your Landlord ‘Owner’ by Archive May 21, 2020 Politically correct word changes offered by UN were derided on social media
UN Chief Calls for Social Media To Censor ‘Racist, Misogynist,’ Ageist, and ‘Harmful’ Memes by National File News May 8, 2020 Antonio Guterres goes on tirade about myriad left-wing bogeymen
China Joins UN Human Rights Council Despite Ongoing Abuses by Archive April 4, 2020 Rumors of organ harvesting have circulated again as they join council
VIDEO: United Nations Scientist Admits Vaccine Deaths, Says Better Explanations Needed by Archive January 11, 2020 The scientist made the remarks in a recently linked video.
FACT CHECK FAIL: Lead Stories Ignores Facts on UN Disarmament by National File News January 6, 2020 In an article riddled with spelling errors, ex-CNN employee Alan Duke used misleading language to smear National File.
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story