Pennsylvania’s James Bognet Worked For Mitt Romney, John McCain, Democrat Lobbying Firm by Archive October 7, 2021 As the race for the 8th Congressional District in Pennsylvania heats up, there is much speculation that Republican James Bognet ...
MORE WAR: Lindsey Graham Calls For The Reinvasion Of Afghanistan by Archive September 7, 2021 Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is now saying that the United States will have to reinvade Afghanistan. Senator Lindsey Graham recently ...
FLASHBACK: Trey Gowdy Blamed Donald Trump, Supporters For 1/6, Said Election Wasn’t Stolen, Called For Prosecution Of Election Protestors by Archive September 6, 2021 The day after January 6, Trey Gowdy went on Fox News to condemn President Trump and his supporters for the ...
EXPOSED: Tucker Blasts Lindsey Graham For Confirming Radical Biden Judges, Supposed-Conservatives Who Protect Him by Archive August 25, 2021 Tucker Carlson exposed Republican Senator Lindsey Graham for helping Joe Biden confirm "a remarkable number" of radical left wing judges ...
BREAKING: RINO PA Senate President Corman HIJACKS Election Audit By Firing Senator Mastriano’s Staff by Archive August 20, 2021 "Republican Jake Corman is using Cris Dush to dispose of any chance at an election audit in PA," reports Christina ...
EMOTIONAL ROLLER-COASTER : Adam Kinzinger Laughs When Discussing 1/6, Starts Crying Moments Later by Archive July 27, 2021 During the politicized January 6 Select Committee hearing, Congressman Adam Kinzinger exhibited strange behavior while he was discussing the events ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates