Lee’s Final Victory: Crews Fail to Find Lee Monument Time Capsule Dems Wanted to Replace with BLM, LGBT, COVID Propaganda by Frankie Stockes September 10, 2021 Legendary General Robert E. Lee scored what may have been his final victory Thursday evening as the crew which tore ...
‘That’s a Whole Lie’: Black Lives Matter Denies Richmond Mayor’s Claim ‘White Supremacists’ Started Riot by Frankie Stockes August 3, 2020 Black Lives Matter denies the Richmond mayor's claim that white supremacists infiltrated their ranks and started a recent riot.
Richmond Mayor Cites ‘Public Safety,’ Spread of COVID-19 in Ordering Removal of Confederate Statues by Frankie Stockes July 1, 2020 “Failing to remove the statues now poses a severe, immediate and growing threat to public safety"
Confederate Memorial Toppled in Richmond, Virginia as Left-Wing Mobs Continue to Riot With Impunity by Frankie Stockes June 7, 2020 After nights of protests, a Confederate memorial has been destroyed.
Racist Ralph Roasted In Richmond, Peaceful Protesters Mock Blackface Governor by Patrick Howley January 20, 2020 Democrat Virginia governor Ralph Northam spent days trying to push the narrative that violence would ensue at the pro-Second Amendment ...
Josh Hawley’s Bill Failed to Give Cause of Action for Parents whose Children are Mutilated by Doctors
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story