Virginia Senate Democrats Ignore Massive Gun Rights Rally, Advance Red Flag Legislation by National File News January 21, 2020 The Democrat-led Senate advanced the highly controversial legislation on Tuesday
SOURCE: Secret Virginia Security Briefings Didn’t Mention Extremists or Violence by Archive January 21, 2020 National File's source explained that Virginia faced no threats of extremist violence.
Racist Ralph Roasted In Richmond, Peaceful Protesters Mock Blackface Governor by Patrick Howley January 20, 2020 Democrat Virginia governor Ralph Northam spent days trying to push the narrative that violence would ensue at the pro-Second Amendment ...
VIDEO: Virginia State Police Interrogate Pro-2A Disabled Navy Vet Who Took Photos at Capitol by National File News January 19, 2020 YouTube video shows a Navy veteran being confronted by two Virginia state police officers.
Gun Toting Virginia Senator Calls Monday’s Rally ‘Set Up’ Years in the Making by Frankie Stockes January 19, 2020 Amanda Chase, who routinely brings a pistol to the Capitol, warned that pro-gun activists are being set up.
BREAKING: Virginia Gun Group, Gun Owners of America File Lawsuit Against Northam’s Emergency Gun Ban by Archive January 16, 2020 A lawsuit has been filed challenging Governor Northam's emergency gun ban.
Josh Hawley’s Bill Failed to Give Cause of Action for Parents whose Children are Mutilated by Doctors
Marco Polo Credits Patrick Howley and National File For ‘Courage’ And ‘Doggedness’ For Breaking Ashley Biden Diary Story