ISRAELI STUDY: Fully Vaxxed Are 27 Times More Likely To Get COVID Compared To People With Natural Immunity by Archive September 14, 2021 Fully vaccinated are 27 times more likely to get the virus, and 8 times more likely to require hospitalization, compared ...
ACTION: Australian Supreme Court Hearing Multiple Mandatory Vaccine Cases As COVID Tyranny Rages The Nation by Archive September 10, 2021 The Australian Supreme Court in New South Wales is hearing various cases against mandatory vaccinations as the Australian people face ...
‘New World Order’ Trends On Twitter After Australian COVID Czar Describes Contract Tracing ‘In The New World Order’ by Archive September 9, 2021 The phrase "New World Order" is currently trending on Twitter after the Australian COVID-19 Czar Dr. Kerry Chant described "what ...
SPACE COOTIES: WHO Says They’ll Name COVID Variants After Star Constellations When Greek Alphabet Exhausted by Archive August 8, 2021 As millions of people across the globe have received vaccinations for the COVID-19 virus, new emerging strains may be named ...
Globalist Technocrats To Hold Bilderberg-Style Secret Meeting In Idaho This Week by Archive July 5, 2021 The globalists are holding a secret meeting similar to Bilderberg in Sun Valley, Idaho this week.
DISGUSTING: Emails Reveal ‘Dr. Fauci’s March Madness’ Disease Bracket by Archive June 2, 2021 As revealed in the newly released earth-shattering emails obtained through FOIA, Dr. Anthony Fauci and John T. Brooks appear to have ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates