PHOTOS: Crenshaw Publicly Calls Pro-Trump Critics ‘Democrats,’ Privately Sucks Up To Moms Demand Action by National File News December 4, 2020 Crenshaw is one of the most flagrantly liberal Republicans to ever hold a House seat, but masquerades as a hardline ...
VIDEO: Mike Bloomberg Runs Cringe-Inducing Super Bowl Ad Featuring Moms Demand Action by National File News February 2, 2020 The New York billionaire bought an ad spot for his floundering 2020 presidential campaign
Bloomberg Group Calls 2A Activists ‘Extremists,’ ‘White Supremacists’ by Frankie Stockes January 14, 2020 Mom’s Demand Action accused "gun extremists" and "militia groups" of plotting to "intimidate lawmakers"
CRINGE: Photo Surfaces Of Dan Crenshaw Cozying Up To Moms Demand Action by National File News August 22, 2019 Dan Cringe-shaw is at it again.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates