Republican Poll Worker Lies, Covers for Kiggans’ Pro-Trans Vote by Frankie Stockes June 21, 2022 A Jen Kiggans campaign staffer working at a GOP primary poll in today’s Virginia 2nd District nominating contest lied about ...
Michigan GOP Governor Candidate Ryan Kelley Ordered to Surrender Guns by Cullen McCue June 20, 2022 Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley, a Republican, was ordered to surrender his guns by a federal judge on Thursday. Kelley ...
NRA-Backed Candidate Refuses to Oppose Biden Gun Control by Frankie Stockes June 16, 2022 NRA-backed Congressional candidate Jen Kiggans is refusing to oppose Joe Biden's gun control agenda just ahead of primary day in ...
Trump Impeachment Voter Tom Rice was Soundly Defeated in South Carolina by Cullen McCue June 15, 2022 U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC) — who voted to impeach President Trump — was soundly defeated in a primary race ...
Democrats Back Jen Kiggans in GOP Primary vs. America First Candidate Jarome Bell in VA-2 by Frankie Stockes June 13, 2022 Democrats are backing establishment Republican Jen Kiggans just ahead of the GOP primary in Virginia's 2nd Congressional District, where Kiggans ...
Trump Disappoints MAGA Base, Endorses Britt Over Brooks in Alabama Run-off by Ben Bailey June 12, 2022 Former President Donald Trump has made an unexpected endorsement in the upcoming run-off election for the GOP nomination for Senate ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates