WITCH HUNT: Democrats Intimidate 7 of Trump’s ‘Thousands of Attorneys’ To Withdraw With Death Threats, Harassment by A.J. Cooke November 24, 2020 Democrats conducted a concerted campaign to doxx, harass and intimidate lawyers who work with Republicans
PHILADELPHIA: Female Trump Lawyer Protected By U.S. Marshals After Receiving Death Threats by Archive November 20, 2020 "Bad things happen in Philadelphia" takes a new meaning for Linda Kerns, who is now under federal protection.
EXCLUSIVE: College Republican National Treasurer Suggests Trump Is Racist, “Mentally Ill” by Eduardo Rivero August 26, 2020 The Treasurer of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC), Ty Seymour, has gone on yet another anti-Trump tirade on Twitter, ...
College Republican National Treasurer Wants Trump To Lose by Eduardo Rivero June 6, 2020 Once again, the official student wing of the party is openly opposed to our party nominee in an election year
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates