WATCH: Tucker Carlson Reveals GA Democrat Senate Candidate’s Anti-Police History by Archive November 11, 2020 Georgia faces a double run-off election for both seats representing the state in the US Senate. The stakes are high. ...
US Senators Loeffler, Perdue Call on Georgia’s Republican Election Chief to Resign by Archive November 10, 2020 The two incumbent US Senators from Georgia – both embroiled in run-off elections due to take place on January 5, ...
Conservatives Launch Petition To Get Kelly Loeffler To Resign by Patrick Howley March 23, 2020 Interim Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler is under pressure to resign her appointed seat following revelations that she dumped stock immediately ...
Republican Calls For Loeffler To Resign As Insider Trading Scandal Engulfs Her by Patrick Howley March 20, 2020 Georgia establishment Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler is trying to explain away her insider trading scandal amid revelations that she dumped ...
Brian Kemp Goes Against Trump, Picks Pro-Romney WNBA Owner For Senate by National File News December 3, 2019 Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is set to tap WNBA mogul and Romney donor Kelly Loeffler as his pick for an ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates