Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer by Archive December 20, 2020 Ivan Raiklin says Vice President Pence can request states send Electoral College slates that actually reflect the will of the ...
CONTINGENT ELECTION: Pence, GOP Senate Can Invalidate Democrat Presidential Electors In AZ, GA, MI, PA, NV by Archive December 14, 2020 The Constitution has a process for ending a contested election, and it may be underway.
THE PLAN: Constitutional Lawyer Lays Out Steps for Contesting Election Results by National File News December 7, 2020 Ivan Raiklin has a plan for contesting the fraudulent election, which he posted on his Twitter account.
FACT CHECK: Jim DeMint’s ‘Palmetto Promise’ Lied, Claimed “NO Health Czar” in Peeler Health Care Bill