McDaniel: Mississippi Establishment GOP Wants To Eliminate Income Tax By Raising Taxes. Here’s Why They’re Wrong: by Chris McDaniel March 19, 2021 Chris McDaniel says Republicans can find better ways to eliminate the Mississippi income tax than a tax hike.
California Lawmakers Want Wealth Tax That Will Follow Taxpayers When They Inevitably Move to Cheaper States by Archive December 24, 2020 Progressives in Sacramento want to create a tax that will extract tax dollars from those who have already left their ...
New York Times Refuses to Release Documents Proving Claims of Trump’s Tax Avoidance by Archive September 28, 2020 The New York Times refuses to release documents proving their allegation the President has paid little to no taxes the ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates