LGBT Lobby Praises Glenn Youngkin for Codifying Gay ‘Marriage’ in Virginia by Frankie Stockes March 15, 2024 The LGBT lobby is praising Virginia GOP Governor Glenn Youngkin for his decision to sign Democrat-sponsored legislation that codifies gay ...
CONFIRMED: RNC ABANDONS VIRGINIA, AGAIN by Frankie Stockes November 10, 2023 National File has confirmed that Ronna Romney McDaniel and the Republican National Committee abandoned Virginia Republicans ahead of the state's ...
Ronna Romney McDaniel Claims On Video That The RNC Did Not Engage In The Virginia Loss Because Glenn Youngkin Said The RNC Wasn’t Needed by Patrick Howley November 9, 2023 Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel claimed that Virginia Republican governor Glenn Youngkin told the RNC that his ...
PICS: Unhinged VA Leftist Appears to be Same Man Who Disrupted Trump Speech in 2018 by Frankie Stockes November 8, 2023 The unhinged Virginia leftist caught on video threatening a GOP poll greeter in an anti-Christian tirade appears to be the ...
Red Vest Massacre: VA Democrats Win Control of House, Expand Senate Majority, Crippling Glenn Youngkin by Frankie Stockes November 8, 2023 Virginia Democrats won control of the state's House of Delegates and expanded their control of the State Senate on Tuesday ...
EXCLUSIVE: Youngkin’s War Chest Shuns Conservatives Ahead of VA Elections by Frankie Stockes November 2, 2023 Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin's Spirit of Virginia PAC is freezing out conservative candidates in the state's 2023 elections, excluding them ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates