National Average at $4.17 a Gallon as Gas Prices Reach All-Time High by Frankie Stockes March 8, 2022 Gas prices nationwide have reached an all-time high, with the national average at $4.17 a gallon for the first time ...
California Gas Prices Surge to All-Time Highs by Frankie Stockes March 4, 2022 The price of gasoline has reached record highs in California. The state become in American history to charge averages of ...
DATA: Thanksgiving Under Biden Will Be The Most Expensive In U.S. History As Prices Double For Basic Goods by National File News October 27, 2021 "The New York Times now admits it's going to be the most expensive Thanksgiving meal ever for America"
CNN Admits Gas Prices Have Surged To Highest Point Since 2014, Says Biden’s Excuses May Not ‘Work Super Well’ by National File News October 10, 2021 "Now, obviously there are a number of issues as to the reason why, but trying to explain OPEC plus to ...
VIDEO: Gas Station Mocks Biden With Hunter Crack Pipe, Tucker Carlson Memes by National File News May 17, 2021 One photo shows Hunter Biden smoking crack with the text "Hope gas prices don't get too high"
Biden Plans to Kill Keystone XL Pipeline During First Day In Office by Archive January 18, 2021 The Biden administration will kneejerk back into the Obama-era energy policies that killed economic growth and drove up energy prices
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates