Five-Term, Trump Endorsed Republican Loses Primary to 33 Year-Old Populist Challenger by Eduardo Rivero July 6, 2020 Incumbent Rep. Scott Tipton (R-CO) has lost a primary challenge after he was accused of silence on key issues and ...
College Republican National Treasurer Wants Trump To Lose by Eduardo Rivero June 6, 2020 Once again, the official student wing of the party is openly opposed to our party nominee in an election year
VIDEO: Alex Jones Warns Trump to Stop Mandatory Vaccinations, Tech Censorship or Risk Embracing Globalism by National File News May 17, 2020 "President Trump, you are crossing the Rubicon right now, you are already halfway across that river, and you need to ...
EXCLUSIVE: Vivek Confirms That His Pro-Immigration ‘Saved By The Bell’ Rant Led To His Exit From Trump’s Team
Woke Lady Bishop Complains About ‘Disheartening’ Response To Her Politicized Sermon After President Trump DESTROYS Her