Sour Don Lemon Clashes With CNN On His Way Out The Door by Patrick Howley April 25, 2023 Fired CNN host Don Lemon offered a statement about his firing that CNN quickly smacked down as the two sides ...
Breaking: CNN Fires Don Lemon by Frankie Stockes April 24, 2023 CNN unceremoniously fired longtime news host Don Lemon on Monday morning, just hours after he'd anchored his usual morning broadcast. ...
Video: CNN Anchor Don Lemon Gets WRECKED After Asking Brits, Royal Family for Reparations by Frankie Stockes September 20, 2022 Far-left CNN anchor Don Lemon was thoroughly wrecked on live tv when he told a British CNN guest that the ...
Greg Kelly’s Newsmax TV Show Beats 3 CNN Shows In Ratings, Including Don Lemon’s by Archive October 28, 2021 Politicos scoffed at Newsmax, but prime time host Greg Kelly is beginning to outperform CNN in the ratings
VIDEO: Joe Biden Clarifies That He Is Not ‘Hiding People And Sucking The Blood Of Children’ by Archive July 21, 2021 Joe Biden made a statement clarifying that he and his fellow Democrats are not "hiding people and sucking the blood ...
VIDEO: Don Lemon Says Jesus Christ Was ‘Black’ And ‘Looked More Like A Muslim’ by National File News March 15, 2021 CNN anchor spreads discredited, sacrilegious conspiracy theory associated with Black Lives Matter
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates