Pennsylvania: Failed GOP Nominee Carrie DelRosso Now a Lobbyist for DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS by Frankie Stockes June 21, 2023 Carrie DelRosso, the failed 2022 GOP nominee for Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, who's been widely credited by her own party ...
Sean Hannity Court Testimony: ‘I Did Not Believe For One Second’ Democrats Stole 2020 Election by Frankie Stockes December 24, 2022 Longtime neo-con and cheerleader for the uni-party policies that have destroyed America from within, Sean Hannity has testified under oath ...
‘ARREST THEM’: Wendy Rogers Responds to Maricopa County and Dominion Refusing to Comply with Senate Subpoenas by National File News August 2, 2021 "They are acting guilty. If it acts like a duck..."
Democrat Reporter Makes Case That Mitch McConnell Stole 2020 Victory With Corrupt Voting Machines by Archive May 31, 2021 This comes as Democrat officials and mainstream media outlets continue to tout the "security" of the 2020 election.
EXCLUSIVE: Government Agency Believes Dominion Uses Cellular Modems Experts Say Could ‘Wreak Havoc On An Election’ by Patrick Howley May 22, 2021 The US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) believes Dominion Voting Systems machines in Michigan use "modem transmission features" and "do not ...
WATCH: MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Releases ‘Absolute Proof’ Documentary Alleging Widespread Voter Fraud in 2020 by Archive February 6, 2021 "I go all in with everything I had, resources, anything I had," said Lindell, "to have my own investigation."
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates