Axios Admits Media’s Creepy Obsession With Trump, Says It Makes Them Avoid ‘Tough Questions’ On Biden by Archive October 15, 2020 A major player in the left-leaning world of the news media is belatedly admitting that the whole of the traditional ...
Big Pharma Employees Creating COVID-19 Drugs Overwhelmingly Donate to Biden, Democrats by Archive October 11, 2020 According to a noted industry publication, Big Pharma money is not backing the Republican candidate, as is traditionally the case. ...
Biden: Voters ‘Don’t Deserve To Know’ If He Would Pack The Supreme Court by Archive October 10, 2020 Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said the American people “don’t deserve to know” whether he would pack the US Supreme ...
Democrats: We Can’t Stop Barrett Confirmation by Archive October 8, 2020 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have reluctantly admitted they have no power to stop the Republican majority in that ...
Democrat Florida Mayor’s ‘Right Hand Man’ Accused of Organizing Protests For Gov. Ron DeSantis by Archive October 1, 2020 The “right-hand man” to St. Petersburg, Florida’s Mayor Rick Kriseman, a Democrat, is reported to have published a Facebook post ...
Chicago’s Mayor Ignores Body Count in Her Streets to Slam Trump by Archive October 1, 2020 Chicago’s Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, went on the offensive Tuesday night after President Trump called her city out as one of ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates