UK: Government Scientist Resigns After Breaking Lockdown By Meeting Married Mistress by National File News May 6, 2020 Professor Neil Ferguson broke the lockdown rules he helped implement when he invited his lover to his house
EXCLUSIVE: Animator Receives Thousands of Death Threats for ‘Racist’ COVID-19 Cartoon by National File News May 5, 2020 "Rot in hell you f*cking white trash crackers"
Antifa Activist Brags About Suing His Own Grandma Over Rent by Archive May 5, 2020 Left-wing activist goes viral talking about suit with landlord grandmother
VIDEO: Bill Gates Claims We Have to Endure Economic Collapse to Fight COVID-19 by Archive May 5, 2020 Less than one month ago, Bill Gates said the world must endure a borderline economic collapse to fight the virus.
FCC Commissioner Slams Politico as Chinese Communist Propaganda by National File News May 5, 2020 Brendan Carr attacked Politico for publishing a fairly uncritical article on Chinese social media responses to President Trump
VIRGINIA: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Infects Cops With COVID-19, Released by Judge the Same Day by Frankie Stockes May 5, 2020 Another victory for illegal immigrants in the age of COVID-19.
EXCLUSIVE: Anna Paulina Luna Discusses America First’s Negotiations Against GOP Leadership, Plus Matt Gaetz
EXCLUSIVE: Viral Leftist TikToker Who Cheered Hurricanes and Tornadoes Hitting ‘White Trailer Courts’ Identified