Starbucks Employee Claims to Have Spit in a Conservative Student’s Coffee by Cullen McCue March 12, 2022 A Starbucks employee claims to have spit in a prominent conservative student leader's coffee in Denton, Texas. University of North ...
College Republicans Officially Split With Formation of ‘National Federation of College Republicans’ by Eduardo Rivero July 22, 2021 The College Republican National Committee (CRNC) has officially split, following the announcement of the formation of a 'National Federation of ...
Iowa State College Republicans Get Defederated By RINOs for Pro Second Amendment Tweet by National File News November 16, 2020 The Iowa State College Republicans have been defederated from the organisation following a tweet that advocated using arms in self-defence. ...
50 GOP Youth Groups Call On Senate Republicans To Take Action Against Big Tech by Eduardo Rivero October 24, 2020 A total of 50 Young Republican, College Republican and other conservative youth groups signed a letter calling on Senate Republican ...
College Republican National Treasurer Likes Tweet Calling Catholicism ‘Oppressive Religious Institution’ by Eduardo Rivero June 15, 2020 Biden supporter Ty Seymour is once again alienating voters
College Republican National Treasurer Wants Trump To Lose by Eduardo Rivero June 6, 2020 Once again, the official student wing of the party is openly opposed to our party nominee in an election year
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates