Party Of Hate: Polling Shows Democrats Despise, Discriminate Against Republican Peers by Frankie Stockes December 12, 2021 Recent polling data shows that the Democrat Party is truly the party of hate, with a super-majority of Democrat college ...
Idaho Leftists Shutter BSU Campus Coffeeshop Owned By Fiancé Of Paralyzed Cop, Cite Anti-Cop Sentiment by Archive October 28, 2020 The Marxist-based cancel culture was on the move again, this time blindly causing the closure of a popular campus coffee ...
Marquette University Threatens To Revoke Student’s Admission, Citing Pro-Trump Social Media Posts by Eduardo Rivero July 13, 2020 An 18 year-old girl has received a threat from Marquette University to rescind her admission to the school after she ...
‘Art Crime’ Professor Offers Rioters Advice On Toppling Statues ‘Faster’ by Eduardo Rivero June 29, 2020 A New York professor offered rioters advice on how to "faster" topple a statue of Christopher Columbus on Twitter, before ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates