‘You are a Nasty Person’: President Trump Puts CNN’s Kaitlan Collins in Her Place by Frankie Stockes May 11, 2023 President Trump told CNN's Kaitlan Collins that she is "a nasty person" as she badgered and interrupted him during Wednesday ...
Sour Don Lemon Clashes With CNN On His Way Out The Door by Patrick Howley April 25, 2023 Fired CNN host Don Lemon offered a statement about his firing that CNN quickly smacked down as the two sides ...
Breaking: CNN Fires Don Lemon by Frankie Stockes April 24, 2023 CNN unceremoniously fired longtime news host Don Lemon on Monday morning, just hours after he'd anchored his usual morning broadcast. ...
CNN Accuses White Meme Posters of ‘Wearing Digital Blackface’ by Frankie Stockes March 30, 2023 A CNN "analysis" piece titled "What's 'digital blackface' and why is it wrong when white people use it?" accuses white ...
NBC Reports On Study Finding Natural Immunity Stronger Than COVID Vaccination by Paul Aubert February 17, 2023 Mainstream media outlets are beginning to report on a Lancet study that suggests natural immunity is stronger than COVID-19 vaccination. ...
Video: Antifa-Aligned ‘Journalist’ Does Mental Gymnastics to Re-Define Violence by Frankie Stockes January 25, 2023 An Antifa-aligned "journalist" performed a mental gymnastics routine live on CNN this week, as he attempted to re-define the word ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates