VIDEO: Man Attacked By Men Shouting ‘Black Lives Matter’ At Grocery Store After They Cut in Line by Archive June 17, 2020 Several men attacked a man after he suggested they wait in line with other shoppers to buy groceries.
COULTER: Republicans Are Doing Nothing to Distinguish Themselves From Democrats by Archive June 17, 2020 Ann Coulter slammed Republicans for kowtowing to Democrat demands on police reform and destruction of history.
VIDEO: Antifa Overturn Car With Disabled Badge in France by Archive June 16, 2020 Black clad rioters flip over small car with disabled sticker on back
VIDEO: Man With Over 100 Arrests Knocks Down Elderly Woman in Random Attack in Manhattan by Archive June 16, 2020 Young man with over 100 arrests strikes 92-year-old woman who falls near fire hydrant in unprovoked random attack
Teen Receives Death Threats for Making Teddy Bears for Children of Fallen Police Officers by Archive June 16, 2020 Non-profit makes bears out of cop uniforms, faces backlash for supporting law enforcement
BREAKING VIDEO: Man Attacked by Mob For Defending Statue, Shoots One While Under Attack by Archive June 16, 2020 A man appeared to fire his weapon after being attacked by a group attempting to topple a statue.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates