VIDEO: UK Police Forcefully Stop Good Friday Service, Threaten Christians With Fines Or Arrest by Archive April 3, 2021 "Failure to comply with this direction to leave and go to your home address ultimately could lead you to be ...
VIRGINIA: Northam’s Dem Allies Further Radical Abortion Agenda, Religious Leaders Unite in Opposition by Frankie Stockes January 24, 2021 "Abortion is not health care; it ends lives instead of healing them"
VIDEO: Former Malaysia PM Says Muslims Have ‘Right’ To ‘Kill Millions of French People’ For ‘Massacres of the Past’ by Archive October 29, 2020 In the wake of Islamofascist terror attacks in France which left four dead, a former Malaysian Prime Minister says Muslims ...
Minnesota Allows Churches to Reopen After Pressure From Lutherans, Catholics by Archive May 26, 2020 Churches will be allowed to reopen after the Catholic Church and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod considered legal action.
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates