Scottish Scientists Successfully Test ‘Trojan Horse’ Cancer Drug by Archive May 31, 2021 “This research represents an important advance in the design of new therapies that can be simply activated by light irradiation, ...
YouTube Users Claim Apricots Cure Cancer As Platform Bans Discussion of Hydroxychloroquine by Archive July 30, 2020 Major researchers and medical doctors support hydroxychloroquine, but it is banned. People on YouTube support apricot seeds, and they are ...
5G Health Risks Verizon and AT&T Prefer You Ignore by Kim Coulter August 26, 2019 With the number of cellphones exceeding the number of people alive on the planet, the idea of installing 300,000 small ...
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates