Thieves Casually Rob California Walgreens During Mandatory Quarantine by Greg Aselbekian March 20, 2020 Criminals are not adhering to the mandatory quarantine, unfortunately.
EXCLUSIVE: Transgendered Female Inmate Threatens Biological Males Will Take Over California Prison by Kim Coulter March 4, 2020 An anonymous source tells National File that she has been threatened by a transgendered inmate in a California prison.
Pro-HIV Cali Senator Wants to Exempt LGBT Pedophiles from Sex Registry by Archive February 20, 2020 The senator who downgraded HIV transmission to misdemeanor is back again
California to Halt Physical Tests Due to Transphobia, Body-Shaming Fears by Archive February 7, 2020 Gov. Gavin Newsom intends to protect children from bullying
PELOSI FOR PRISON: Republican Challenger Flies Banner Over San Francisco by National File News February 6, 2020 DeAnna Lorraine, a Republican challenger to Nancy Pelosi in 2020, flew a big "Pelosi for Prison" banner over the skies ...
Aboriginals and Trump Agree: Clear Brush and Use Controlled Burns to Stop Wild Fires by National File News January 12, 2020 They've been using their technique for 50,000 years
EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: GOP Leadership Kicked Christian Homeschooling Mom Off House Floor After She Asked to Pray With Delegate To End Fauci-Style Vaccine Mandates